Muriel Irene HEWERAge: 90 years1931–2021
- Name
- Muriel Irene HEWER
- Given names
- Muriel Irene
- Surname
Birth | January 11, 1931 33 26 |
Census | 1931 |
Birth of a brother | Walter Edward HEWER November 4, 1932 (Age 21 months) |
Death of a mother | Dorothea May LOVELOCK February 3, 1963 (Age 32 years) |
Death of a father | William Walter Sydney HEWER January 4, 1973 (Age 41 years) |
Death of a brother | Walter Edward HEWER August 14, 2007 (Age 76 years) |
Death of a brother | Clifford Sydney HEWER June 24, 2014 (Age 83 years) |
Death | November 10, 2021 (Age 90 years) Text: Death registered in married name of Henrotte |
Family with parents |
father |
William Walter Sydney HEWER Birth: November 18, 1897 — Gillingham, Kent, England Death: January 4, 1973 — Saskatchewan, Canada |
mother |
Dorothea May LOVELOCK Birth: November 4, 1904 31 19 Death: February 3, 1963 — Saskatchewan, Canada |
elder brother |
Clifford Sydney HEWER Birth: January 26, 1926 28 21 — Saskatchewan, Canada Death: June 24, 2014 — North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada |
5 years elder sister |
Phyllis HEWER Birth: between 1927 and 1930 29 22 Death: between 1927 and 1930 |
4 years elder sister |
Lorraine HEWER Birth: between 1927 and 1930 29 22 Death: between 1927 and 1930 |
4 years herself |
Muriel Irene HEWER Birth: January 11, 1931 33 26 Death: November 10, 2021 — Deerhorn, Manitoba, Canada |
22 months younger brother |
Walter Edward HEWER Birth: November 4, 1932 34 28 — Saskatchewan, Canada Death: August 14, 2007 — Alberta, Canada |
sister |
Margaret Ann HEWER |
Birth | Data from Jocelyn Brock 2 Dec 2020 |
Death | Public Member Tree at Text: Death registered in married name of Henrotte |
Census | Longlaketon, Last Mountain, Saskatchewan, Canada Sydney Hewer;Head;31;England, arrived Canada 1909;England, England;Labourer, Steam Railroad Dorothy May Hewer;Wife;27;Quebec;England, Quebec;Homemaker Clifford Sidney Hewer;Son;5;Saskatchewan;England, Quebec Muriel Irene Hewer;Daur;5mos;Saskatchewan;England, Quebec |