Elizabeth BEYLEYAge: 73 years1804–1877
- Name
- Elizabeth BEYLEY
- Given names
- Elizabeth
- Surname
Birth | between 1804 and 1805 Source: 1851 UK Census |
Marriage | George LOVELOCK — View this family December 23, 1829 (Age 25 years) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Harriet LOVELOCK August 20, 1830 (Age 26 years) Source: 1851 UK Census |
Christening of a daughter | Harriet LOVELOCK September 19, 1830 (Age 26 years) |
Birth of a son #2 | William LOVELOCK December 15, 1831 (Age 27 years) Source: 1851 UK Census |
Christening of a son | William LOVELOCK January 15, 1832 (Age 28 years) |
Birth of a daughter #3 | Mary Ann LOVELOCK January 29, 1834 (Age 30 years) Source: 1861 UK Census |
Christening of a daughter | Mary Ann LOVELOCK February 23, 1834 (Age 30 years) |
Birth of a son #4 | Thomas LOVELOCK February 18, 1837 (Age 33 years) Source: 1841 UK Census Source: 1851 UK Census |
Christening of a son | Thomas LOVELOCK March 19, 1837 (Age 33 years) |
Birth of a son #5 | Joseph LOVELOCK between October 1839 and December 1839 (Age 35 years) Source: 1841 UK Census Source: GRO Index of Births Text: Watford RD, ref 6 586 |
Birth of a daughter #6 | Hannah Maria LOVELOCK between July 1841 and September 1841 (Age 37 years) Source: GRO Index of Births Text: Watford RD, ref 6 556 |
Census | 1841 (Age 37 years) |
Christening of a daughter | Hannah Maria LOVELOCK September 5, 1841 (Age 37 years) Note: Baptised as Anna Maria.
Death of a son | Joseph LOVELOCK between July 1844 and September 1844 (Age 40 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Text: Watford RD, ref 6 367 |
Death of a daughter | Hannah Maria LOVELOCK between July 1844 and September 1844 (Age 40 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Text: Watford RD, ref 6 367 Note: Death registered in the name of Anna Maria.
Christening of a son | Joseph LOVELOCK January 5, 1849 (Age 45 years) |
Census | 1851 (Age 47 years) |
Marriage of a child | James IMBREY — Harriet LOVELOCK — View this family between July 1855 and September 1855 (Age 51 years) Source: GRO Index of Marriages Text: West Ham RD, ref 4a 19 |
Marriage of a child | Thomas LOVELOCK — Frances Sarah SANDERSON — View this family between July 1860 and September 1860 (Age 56 years) Source: GRO Index of Marriages Text: Greenwich RD, ref 1d 960 |
Census | 1861 (Age 57 years) |
Marriage of a child | William COULTER — Mary Ann LOVELOCK — View this family between October 1863 and December 1863 (Age 59 years) Source: GRO Index of Marriages Text: West Ham RD, ref 4a 25 |
Death of a husband | George LOVELOCK July 19, 1866 (Age 62 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Text: Hackney RD, ref 1b 257 (age 61) |
Burial of a husband | George LOVELOCK July 21, 1866 (Age 62 years) |
Census | 1871 (Age 67 years) |
Marriage of a child | John Prior PARKES — Harriet LOVELOCK — View this family between January 1873 and March 1873 (Age 69 years) Source: GRO Index of Marriages Text: Hackney RD, ref 1b 538 |
Death | April 1877 (Age 73 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Text: Hackney RD, ref 1b 269 (age 75) |
Burial | April 4, 1877 (Age 73 years) |
Family with George LOVELOCK |
husband |
George LOVELOCK Christening: February 10, 1806 34 29 — South Tidworth, Hampshire, England Death: July 19, 1866 |
herself |
Elizabeth BEYLEY Birth: between 1804 and 1805 — Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England Death: April 1877 |
Marriage: December 23, 1829 — St John, Clerkenwell, Middlesex, England |
8 months daughter |
Harriet LOVELOCK Birth: August 20, 1830 24 26 — Islington, Middlesex, England Death: between July 1909 and September 1909 |
16 months son |
William LOVELOCK Birth: December 15, 1831 25 27 — Highbury, Middlesex, England Death: |
2 years daughter |
Mary Ann LOVELOCK Birth: January 29, 1834 27 30 — Highbury, Middlesex, England Death: |
3 years son |
Thomas LOVELOCK Birth: February 18, 1837 31 33 — Highbury Grove, Islington, Middlesex, England Death: July 12, 1894 — Montreal, Canada |
3 years son |
Joseph LOVELOCK Birth: between October 1839 and December 1839 33 35 Death: between July 1844 and September 1844 |
2 years daughter |
Hannah Maria LOVELOCK Birth: between July 1841 and September 1841 35 37 Death: between July 1844 and September 1844 |
Birth | 1851 UK Census |
Marriage | Lovelocks in Middlesex data on Lovelock Family History website |
Death | GRO Index of Deaths Text: Hackney RD, ref 1b 269 (age 75) |
Burial | Lovelocks in Essex data on Lovelock Family History website |
Census | Lord Grove, Bushey, Hertfordshire, England HO107 440/8 F42 P16 Elizabeth Lovelock;30;Servant in yard;Not born in Hertfordshire Harriot Lovelock;10;Servant in yard;Not born in Hertfordshire William Lovelock;8;Servant in yard;Not born in Hertfordshire Mary Ann Lovelock;6;Servant in yard;Not born in Hertfordshire Thomas Lovelock;4;;Not born in Hertfordshire Joseph Lovelock;1;;Not born in Hertfordshire |
Census | Burlington House, 49 Piccadilly, Westminster, Middlesex, England HO107 1484 F114 P15 Amongst 35 servants in the household of the Hon Charles C Cavandish: George Lovelock;Servant, Mar;45;Servant;Tidworth, Hants Elizabeth Lovelock;Servant, Mar;44;Servant;Shawbury, Salop Thomas Lovelock;Servant;13;Servant;Highbury, Middx |
Census | National School, Leyton, Essex, England RG9 1060 F14/15 P26/27 James Imbrey;Head;48;Schoolmaster and Savings Bank Secy(sic);Lincoln, Lincs Harriet Imbrey;Wife;30;Schoolmistress;Islington, Middx William J Imbrey;Son;4;;Leyton, Essex George A Imbrey;Son;3;;Leyton, Essex James E Imbrey;Son;2;;Leyton, Essex Florence M Imbrey;Daur;7 mos;;Leyton, Essex George Lovelock;Father in law;55;Coachman Domestic servant out of situation;Tedworth (sic), Hants Elizabeth Lovelock;Mother in law;56;;Shrewsbury, Salop Mary Ann Lovelock;Sister in law;27;Schoolmistress;Highbury, Middx |
Census | Rose and Crown, 11 Lister Pl, Church St, Stoke Newington, London, England RG10 310 F39 P21 Elizabeth Lovelock;Head, W;68;Licensed Victualer;Shrewbury, Salop (sic) Harriet Imbray;Daur, W;40;;Islington, Middx Florence Imbray;Gd daur;10;;Leyton, Essex Susannah Hopping;Boarder, W;33;;Leyton, Essex Henry Castle;Boarder;26;Builder;Zeal Montcherson, Devon Ellen Luckwell;Serv;15;Domestic Servant;Ridgeway, Somerset |