Wallingford Berks Line

Henrietta Victoria LovelockAge: 83 years18831966

Henrietta Victoria Lovelock
Given names
Henrietta Victoria
Birth July 24, 1883

Listed on death certificate of George Lovelock 1904

Publication: Ancestry

24-Jul-1883 Lovelock Henrietta [Father] George [Mother] Mary Shanahan [Reg No] 1883/C1489

Death of a sisterMartha Lovelock
July 29, 1886 (Age 3 years)

Listed on Death Certificate of George Lovelock 1904.

Source: Joan Taylor

Joan Taylor Email 25.4.2002. Aged 11.

Publication: Ancestry

Death 29-Jul-1886 Lovelock Martha [Father] George Lovelock [Mother] Mary Shannon [Reg No] 1886/C1099

Birth of a sisterMartha Lovelock
about 1894 (Age 10 years)

Listed on death certificate of Mary Lovelock nee Shanahan 1909

Death of a fatherGeorge Lovelock
November 16, 1904 (Age 21 years)

16 Nov 1904 aged 62 years. Cause of death: Arthistis Chronic, Bronchitis, Dembritus. Father: John Lovelock, Butcher. Mother: Eliza Wright. Informant: James Lovelock, Son, Hope Street, Cooktown

Burial of a fatherGeorge Lovelock
November 16, 1904 (Age 21 years)
Death of a motherMary Shanahan
May 29, 1909 (Age 25 years)
Citation details: Mary Lovelock nee Shanahan 1909

1909 May 29 Mary Lovelock [Place of Death] Hope St, Cooktown, Queensland [Age] 68 [Cause of Death] Malarial fever, Dysentery. [Father] James Shannon [Informant] James Lovelock, son, Hope St, Cooktown [Buried/Cremated] 30 May 1909 [Place of Burial] Cooktown Cemetery [Minister] Rev. F. A. Dempsey, O.S.A. Roman Catholic [Witnesses] F. Herepath, E. Holdsworth [Where born] Carlow, Ireland [How long in Australia] 44 years in Queensland [Married] George Lovelock [Where Married] Bowen Queensland [Age at Marriage] 21 [Children Living] Eliza 42, Mary Ann 40, James 37, George 35, Kate 33, Henriette 26, Martha 15 [Children Deceased] 2 females

Note: Age should be 64 according to marriiage certificate.

Burial of a motherMary Shanahan
May 30, 1909 (Age 25 years)
Citation details: Mary Lovelock nee Shanahan 1909
Death of a sisterCatherine Lovelock
June 19, 1912 (Age 28 years)

Queensland Death Certificate Catherine Flannery [Occupation] Domestic Duties [Age] 35 [Date of Death] 19 Jun 1912 [Place of Death] Thursday Island [Place of birth] Bowen, Queensland [Father] George Lovelock [Occupation of Father] Carrier [Mother] Mary Lannahan [sic] [Cause of Death] Supposed drowning [Burial] Body not recovered [Informant] John Patrick Flannery, Husband, Thursday Island

Death of a sisterMary Ann Lovelock
June 16, 1924 (Age 40 years)

[State, District] Queensland, Cairns [Name] Mary Ann Anderson [Profession] Domestic Duties [Age] 53 [Cause of Death] Sarcoma of kidney, Cachixia, Cardiac Failure [Father] George Lovelock [Mother] Mary Shanahan [Buried] 17 Jun 1924 [Burial Place] Cairns Cemetery [Minister] H M Svendsen, Roman Catholic [Wit] A Byers, A N Fry [Husband] Charles Joseph Anderson [Where Married] Cooktown Queensland [Age at Marriage] 20 yrs [Issue Living] Violet, 31; Amelia, 29; Holly, 28; Ivy, 28; James, 22; Charles, 18; Kathleen, 20; Myrtle, 15; Baxter, 10

Burial of a sisterMary Ann Lovelock
June 17, 1924 (Age 40 years)
MarriageHerbert Charles WestView this family
June 29, 1929 (Age 45 years)

Marriage 1929 Lovelock Henrietta Victoria [Spouse] West Herbert Charles [Reg No] 1929/C1752

Death of a brotherPatrick James Lovelock
August 4, 1938 (Age 55 years)
Source: Death Index

Name: Patrick James Lovelock Death Date: 04 Aug 1938 Death Place: Queensland Father's name: George Mother's name: Mary Shanahan Registration Year: 1938 Registration Place: Queensland Registration Number: 002721 Page Number: 1122

Death of a brotherGeorge Paul Lovelock
December 8, 1938 (Age 55 years)
Source: Death Index

Name: George Paul Lovelock Death Date: 08 Dec 1938 Death Place: Queensland Father's name: George Mother's name: Mary Ahern Registration Year: 1938 Registration Place: Queensland Registration Number: 004901 Page Number: 1122

Death of a husbandHerbert Charles West
May 9, 1956 (Age 72 years)

Source: MI
Death August 11, 1966 (Age 83 years)

Source: MI

Bundaberg General Cemetery Bundaberg, Queensland PLOT Section: General Herbert Charles West Died 9 May 1956 aged 77 years Henrietta Victoria West Died Aug 11 1966 aged 88 years

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: January 4, 1866Bowen, Queensland, Australia
10 months
elder sister
2 years
elder sister
23 months
elder brother
Patrick James Lovelock
Birth: December 10, 1870Bowen, Queensland, Australia
Death: August 4, 1938Queensland, Australia
2 years
elder brother
2 years
elder sister
Martha Lovelock
Birth: June 9, 1875Queensland, Australia
Death: July 29, 1886Cooktown, Queensland, Australia
4 years
elder sister
5 years
11 years
younger sister
Family with Herbert Charles West - View this family
Marriage: June 29, 1929Queensland, Australia

BirthDeath Certificate

Listed on death certificate of George Lovelock 1904

BirthQueensland, Australia - Civil Registration Index
Publication: Ancestry

24-Jul-1883 Lovelock Henrietta [Father] George [Mother] Mary Shanahan [Reg No] 1883/C1489

MarriageMarriage Index

Marriage 1929 Lovelock Henrietta Victoria [Spouse] West Herbert Charles [Reg No] 1929/C1752


Bundaberg General Cemetery Bundaberg, Queensland PLOT Section: General Herbert Charles West Died 9 May 1956 aged 77 years Henrietta Victoria West Died Aug 11 1966 aged 88 years