Cholderton Tree

Caroline JENKINSAge: 50 years18331883

Caroline JENKINS
Given names
Birth about 1833 36 26
Christening June 21, 1833
Birth of a brotherThomas JENKINS
about 1836 (Age 3 years)
Christening of a brotherThomas JENKINS
May 22, 1836 (Age 3 years)
Birth of a brotherDavid JENKINS
between July 1839 and September 1839 (Age 6 years)

Pewsey RD, ref 8 367

Death of a brotherDavid JENKINS
September 1839 (Age 6 years)


Pewsey RD, ref 8 233 (age 0)

Christening of a brotherDavid JENKINS
September 7, 1839 (Age 6 years)
Christening of a brotherEdward John JENKINS
March 28, 1840 (Age 7 years)
Note: There is either an error in the transcription at Findmypast or the birth was registered many months after it took place.
Birth of a brotherEdward John JENKINS
between January 1841 and March 1841 (Age 8 years)

Pewsey RD, ref 8 397

Census 1841 (Age 8 years)

Note: Everleigh, Wiltshire, England
Birth of a sisterElizabeth JENKINS
between January 1844 and February 1844 (Age 11 years)

Pewsey RD, ref 8 417

Death of a maternal grandfatherJohn LOVELOCK
between January 1844 and March 1844 (Age 11 years)


Andover RD, ref 7 35 (age 73)

Christening of a sisterElizabeth JENKINS
February 18, 1844 (Age 11 years)
Birth of a sisterAnn Eliza JENKINS
between April 1845 and June 1845 (Age 12 years)

Pewsey RD, ref 8 405

Christening of a sisterAnn Eliza JENKINS
June 29, 1845 (Age 12 years)
Census 1851 (Age 18 years)

Note: Everleigh, Wiltshire, England
Death of a motherJemima LOVELOCK
between April 1875 and June 1875 (Age 42 years)


Pewsey RD, ref 5a 113 (age 67)

Death between October 1883 and November 1883 (Age 50 years)


Pewsey RD, ref 5a 96 (age 50) (registered in married name of Holmes)

Burial November 24, 1883 (Age 50 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: February 3, 1830Everleigh, Wiltshire, England
11 months
elder brother
4 years
Caroline JENKINS
Birth: about 1833 36 26Everleigh, Wiltshire, England
Death: between October 1883 and November 1883
4 years
younger brother
4 years
younger brother
Birth: between July 1839 and September 1839 42 32Everleigh, Wiltshire, England
Death: September 1839
9 months
younger brother
4 years
younger sister
Elizabeth JENKINS
Birth: between January 1844 and February 1844 47 37Everleigh, Wiltshire, England
Death: between October 1895 and December 1895
18 months
younger sister
Birth: between April 1845 and June 1845 48 38Everleigh, Wiltshire, England
Death: between April 1915 and June 1915

ChristeningData at Findmypast website
DeathGRO Index of Deaths

Pewsey RD, ref 5a 96 (age 50) (registered in married name of Holmes)

BurialImagery at

Everleigh, Wiltshire, England HO107 1176/3 F9 P13

Edward Jenkins;40;Carpenter;born in Wilts Jemima Jenkins;30;;born in Wilts William Jenkins;10;;born in Wilts Caroline Jenkins;7;;born in Wilts Thomas Jenkins;5;;born in Wilts Edward Jenkins;3mos;;born in Wilts


Everleigh, Wiltshire, England HO107 1844 F430 P9

Edward Jenkins;Head;53;Carpenter;Everleigh, Wilts Jemima Jenkins;Wife;42;;Tidworth, Hants William Jenkins;Son;20;Carpenter;Everleigh, Wilts Caroline Jenkins;Daur;17;;Everleigh, Wilts Thomas Jenkins;Son;15;;Everleigh, Wilts Edwd J Jenkins;Son;10;;Everleigh, Wilts Elizabeth Jenkins;Daur;7;;Everleigh, Wilts Ann E Jenkins;Daur;5;;Everleigh, Wilts