John William OLIVERAge: 76 years1887–1963
- Name
- John William OLIVER
- Given names
- John William
- Surname
Source: Graham Lovelock (NZ)
Publication: Email correspondence
Citation details: Message to Graham Lovelock June 2008
Quality of data: primary evidence
Birth | 1887 |
Marriage | Patience Harriet LOVELOCK — View this family April 7, 1915 (Age 28 years) Source: Graham Lovelock (NZ) Publication: Email correspondence Citation details: Message to Graham Lovelock June 2008 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death | 1963 (Age 76 years) Note: The website quotes age at death as 76 years.
Family with Patience Harriet LOVELOCK |
himself |
John William OLIVER Birth: 1887 Death: 1963 |
wife |
Patience Harriet LOVELOCK Birth: November 16, 1887 40 37 — Rangitikei Line, Palmerston North, New Zealand Death: December 6, 1969 — Napier, New Zealand |
Marriage: April 7, 1915 — |
Birth | Sandra Hayes' on-line family tree at |
Marriage | Graham Lovelock (NZ) Publication: Email correspondence Citation details: Message to Graham Lovelock June 2008 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Name | Graham Lovelock (NZ) Publication: Email correspondence Citation details: Message to Graham Lovelock June 2008 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death | Sandra Hayes' on-line family tree at |
Death | The website quotes age at death as 76 years. |