Wallingford Berks Line

Elizabeth Ann LovelockAge: 23 years18461869

Elizabeth Ann Lovelock
Given names
Elizabeth Ann
Birth about 1846

Marriage of parentsGeorge LovelockSarah WhicheloView this family
January 5, 1846
_HTITL: Husband
_WTITL: Wife

Name: George Lovelock Registration Year: 1846 Registration Quarter: Jan-Feb-Mar Registration district: St George Hanover Square Inferred County: London Volume: 1 Page: 50 Records on Page: Name George Lovelock Sarah Whichelow

Source: FindMyPast

Marriages 1846 Jan 5 George Lovelock, Butcher of Wilton Road and Sarah Whichelow of Wilton Road, fathers William Lovelock, Butcher, and Richard Whichelow, Carpenter, witnesses Robert Shearer Whichelow and Mary Whichelow

Christening May 14, 1846
Publication: John Talbot responded to a letter John Lovelock put in the Wallingford Herald. John provided a Family Tree but no other information.

Also in Berkshire PRs: 1846 May 14 LOVELOCK Elizth Ann d. George, butcher and Sarah, Castle St


Wallingford St Mary 1846 May 14 LOVELOCK Elizth Ann daughter of George, butcher and Sarah, Castle St

Christening of a sisterJulia Lovelock
January 8, 1848 (Age 2 years)
Publication: John Talbot responded to a letter John Lovelock put in the Wallingford Herald. John provided a Family Tree but no other information.

1848 Jan 8 LOVELOCK Julia d. George, butcher and Sarah, St Martin's St

Birth of a sisterJulia Lovelock
between April 1848 and June 1848 (Age 2 years)

Births Jun 1848 Lovelock Julia, Wallingford, 6, 260

Birth of a brotherGeorge William Lovelock
between April 1850 and June 1850 (Age 4 years)

Name: George William Lovelock Registration Year: 1850 Registration Quarter: Apr-May-Jun Registration district: Wallingford Inferred County: Berkshire Volume: 6 Page: 269

Christening of a brotherGeorge William Lovelock
June 6, 1850 (Age 4 years)
Publication: John Talbot responded to a letter John Lovelock put in the Wallingford Herald. John provided a Family Tree but no other information.

1850 Jun 6 LOVELOCK George William s. George, butcher and Sarah, Wood St

Birth of a brotherRobert James Lovelock
between April 1852 and June 1852 (Age 6 years)

Robert James Lovelock, Apr-Jun 1852, Wallingford, 2c, 278

Christening of a brotherRobert James Lovelock
July 22, 1852 (Age 6 years)
Publication: John Talbot responded to a letter John Lovelock put in the Wallingford Herald. John provided a Family Tree but no other information.

1852 Jul 22 LOVELOCK Robert James s George, butcher and Sarah, Wood St

Birth of a brotherJohn Lovelock
about 1855 (Age 9 years)

Christening of a brotherJohn Lovelock
February 9, 1855 (Age 9 years)
Publication: John Talbot responded to a letter John Lovelock put in the Wallingford Herald. John provided a Family Tree but no other information.

Also Berkshire PRs: 1855 Feb 9 LOVELOCK John s. George, butcher and Sarah, Wood St, privately


1855 Feb 9 LOVELOCK John s. George, butcher and Sarah, Wood St, privately

Death of a brotherJohn Lovelock
March 30, 1855 (Age 9 years)

Source: MI
Burial of a brotherJohn Lovelock
April 12, 1855 (Age 9 years)

1855 Apr 12 John Lovelock, 3 mths, Wood St

Death of a motherSarah Whichelo
January 3, 1856 (Age 10 years)

Name: Sarah Lovelock Registration Year: 1856 Registration Quarter: Jan-Feb-Mar Registration district: Wallingford Inferred County: Berkshire Volume: 2c Page: 197

Source: Newspaper

Oxford Chronicle 12th Jan 1856 Wallingford DIED - On Thursday the 3rd inst., Mrs Lovelock, wife of Mr George Lovelock, of the Market place, leaving her husband and four small children to lament their loss.

Burial of a motherSarah Whichelo
January 1856 (Age 10 years)

Burial LOVELOCK Sarah, 36, Wallingford St Peter, 1856

Note that a date of burial 7 Jan 1856 has previously been supplied but the source cannot now be identified nor the date verified.

Census 1861 (Age 15 years)

Note: Wood St, Wallingford, Berkshire, England
Marriage of a parentGeorge LovelockMary WhicheloView this family
April 4, 1864 (Age 18 years)
_HTITL: Husband
_WTITL: Wife
Source: Family Search
Publication: www.familysearch.org

Gloucester, St Mary-De-Lode Marriage FamilySearch website (with additional data from Robert Sterry) provides: 1864 Apr 4 George Lovelock, Widower, Butcher and Mary Whichelow, both full age, fathers William Lovelock, Butcher, and Richard Whichelow, Builder, witnesses William Edney and Amelia Edney

Death October 18, 1869 (Age 23 years)
Source: MI

Elizabeth Lovelock, dau of George, aged 23, died 18 Oct 1869.

Burial October 21, 1869 (3 days after death)
Publication: John Talbot responded to a letter John Lovelock put in the Wallingford Herald. John provided a Family Tree but no other information.

Also in Berkshire PRs:1869 Oct 21 LOVELOCK Elizabeth Ann 23 yrs Fish St


1869 Oct 21 LOVELOCK Elizabeth Ann 23 yrs Fish St

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: January 5, 1846St Peter, Pimlico, Middlesex, England
1 year
2 years
younger sister
Julia Lovelock
Birth: between April 1848 and June 1848Registration District, Wallingford, Berkshire, England
Death: between October 1875 and December 1875Registration District, Wallingford, Berkshire, England
3 years
younger brother
2 years
younger brother
Robert James Lovelock
Birth: between April 1852 and June 1852Wallingford, Berkshire, England
Death: between January 1876 and March 1876Registration District, Bicester, Oxfordshire, England
4 years
younger brother
Father’s family with Mary Whichelo - View this family
Marriage: April 4, 1864St Mary de Lode, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England

ChristeningLetter from John Talbot 8.11.00
Publication: John Talbot responded to a letter John Lovelock put in the Wallingford Herald. John provided a Family Tree but no other information.

Also in Berkshire PRs: 1846 May 14 LOVELOCK Elizth Ann d. George, butcher and Sarah, Castle St

ChristeningWallingford St Mary PR

Wallingford St Mary 1846 May 14 LOVELOCK Elizth Ann daughter of George, butcher and Sarah, Castle St


Elizabeth Lovelock, dau of George, aged 23, died 18 Oct 1869.

BurialLetter from John Talbot 8.11.00
Publication: John Talbot responded to a letter John Lovelock put in the Wallingford Herald. John provided a Family Tree but no other information.

Also in Berkshire PRs:1869 Oct 21 LOVELOCK Elizabeth Ann 23 yrs Fish St

BurialWallingford St Mary PR

1869 Oct 21 LOVELOCK Elizabeth Ann 23 yrs Fish St


Wood St, Wallingford, Berkshire, England RG9 740 F63/64 P14/15

George Lovelock;Head, Widower;41;Butcher;Wallingford, Berks Ann Whichello;Sister in law, Unm;43;House Keeper;Wallingford, Berks Elizabeth Lovelock;Daur;14;;Wallingford, Berks Julia Lovelock;Daur;12;;Wallingford, Berks George W Lovelock;Son;10;;Wallingford, Berks Robert J Lovelock;Son;8;;Wallingford, Berks