William John DUMBRELLAge: 81 years1855–1936
- Name
- William John DUMBRELL
- Given names
- William John
- Surname
Birth | about 1855 Source: 1881 Census |
Marriage | Dorcas Pearce LOVELOCK — View this family between October 1917 and December 1917 (Age 62 years) Source: GRO Index of Marriages Text: Malling RD, ref 2a 1868 |
Death | between January 1936 and March 1936 (Age 81 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Text: Medway RD, ref 2a 1253 (age 80) (registered as John Dumbrell - as he was recorded in the 1921 Census) |
Family with Dorcas Pearce LOVELOCK |
himself |
William John DUMBRELL Birth: about 1855 — West Malling, Kent, England Death: between January 1936 and March 1936 |
wife |
Dorcas Pearce LOVELOCK Birth: between January 1861 and March 1861 24 21 — East Barming, Kent, England Death: between April 1944 and June 1944 |
Marriage: between October 1917 and December 1917 — |
James Alfred WOODGER + Dorcas Pearce LOVELOCK |
wife’s husband |
James Alfred WOODGER Birth: between 1859 and 1860 — East Malling, Kent, England Death: between January 1900 and March 1900 — East Malling, Kent, England |
wife |
Dorcas Pearce LOVELOCK Birth: between January 1861 and March 1861 24 21 — East Barming, Kent, England Death: between April 1944 and June 1944 |
Marriage: September 8, 1879 — East Malling, Kent, England |
7 months step-daughter |
Frances Harriet WOODGER Birth: between January 1880 and March 1880 21 19 — East Malling, Kent, England Death: between July 1960 and September 1960 |
2 years step-daughter |
Emily Eliza WOODGER Birth: between October 1881 and December 1881 22 20 — Barming, Kent, England Death: between July 1927 and September 1927 |
21 months step-son |
Arthur St Balise WOODGER Birth: between April 1883 and June 1883 24 22 — East Malling, Kent, England Death: between July 1925 and September 1925 — Malling RD, East Malling, Kent, England |
18 months step-daughter |
Charlotte Rose WOODGER Birth: September 26, 1884 25 23 — East Malling, Kent, England Death: between October 1976 and December 1976 |
21 months step-son |
Alfred WOODGER Birth: between April 1886 and June 1886 27 25 — East Malling, Kent, England Death: between April 1957 and June 1957 |
20 months step-son |
George WOODGER Birth: December 1, 1887 28 26 — East Malling, Kent, England Death: December 1, 1916 — North Sea |
22 months step-daughter |
Eliza Margaret WOODGER Birth: between July 1889 and September 1889 30 28 Death: between October 1890 and December 1890 |
19 months step-son |
Henry Charles WOODGER Birth: January 30, 1891 32 30 — Ditton, Kent, England Death: between April 1940 and June 1940 |
23 months step-son |
Thomas WOODGER Birth: January 14, 1893 34 32 — Burham, Kent, England Death: between April 1955 and June 1955 |
21 months step-son |
Frederick Charles WOODGER Birth: between July 1894 and September 1894 35 33 — Burham, Kent, England Death: |
18 months step-son |
John WOODGER Birth: January 11, 1896 37 35 — Burham, Kent, England Death: between January 1978 and March 1978 |
23 months step-daughter |
Florence WOODGER Birth: December 2, 1897 38 36 — Ditton, Kent, England Death: between July 1974 and September 1974 |
2 years step-daughter |
Harriet Elizabeth WOODGER Birth: between January 1900 and March 1900 41 39 — Ditton, Kent, England Death: |
Birth | 1881 Census |
Marriage | GRO Index of Marriages Text: Malling RD, ref 2a 1868 |
Death | GRO Index of Deaths Text: Medway RD, ref 2a 1253 (age 80) (registered as John Dumbrell - as he was recorded in the 1921 Census) |