Margery Louisa RawlingsAge: 84 years1926–2010
- Name
- Margery Louisa Rawlings
- Given names
- Margery Louisa
- Surname
- Rawlings
Birth | between January 1926 and March 1926 30 26 Source: GRO - FreeBMD Text: Truro RD, ref 5c 166 |
Birth of a brother | John Norman Rawlings between April 1930 and June 1930 (Age 4 years) Source: GRO - FreeBMD Text: Truro RD, ref 5c 177 |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Louise (Louisa) Symons between October 1939 and December 1939 (Age 13 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Text: Redruth RD, ref 5c 552 (age 78) |
Death of a father | John Norman Rawlings between January 1952 and March 1952 (Age 26 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Text: Truro RD, ref 7a 267 (age 56) |
Death of a mother | Louisa Lovelock May 24, 1962 (Age 36 years) Citation details: Descendant tree for Robert Lovelock provided 1 Dec 05 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death of a brother | William John Rawlings between October 1987 and December 1987 (Age 61 years) Text: Truro RD, ref 21 682 |
Death | between July 2010 and September 2010 (Age 84 years) Text: Cornwall RD, ref 1B010 503472677 (registered in married name of Lawry) |
Family with parents |
father |
John Norman Rawlings Birth: between October 1895 and December 1895 Death: between January 1952 and March 1952 |
mother |
Louisa Lovelock Birth: June 9, 1899 37 38 — Troon, Cornwall, England Death: May 24, 1962 — Zelah, Cornwall, England |
Marriage: between April 1921 and June 1921 — Camborne, Cornwall, England |
1 year elder brother |
William John Rawlings Birth: March 24, 1922 26 22 Death: between October 1987 and December 1987 |
4 years herself |
Margery Louisa Rawlings Birth: between January 1926 and March 1926 30 26 Death: between July 2010 and September 2010 |
5 years younger brother |
John Norman Rawlings Birth: between April 1930 and June 1930 34 30 Death: between October 2021 and December 2021 |
Birth | GRO - FreeBMD Text: Truro RD, ref 5c 166 |
Death | GRO Online Indices of Births and Deaths Text: Cornwall RD, ref 1B010 503472677 (registered in married name of Lawry) |
Source | GRO - FreeBMD Text: Truro RD, ref 5c 166 |