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James Thomas HALSEYAge: 65 years18271892

James Thomas HALSEY
Given names
James Thomas
Birth between 1827 and 1828
Quality of data: primary evidence
MarriageAlice LOVELOCKView this family
June 13, 1847 (Age 20 years)
Birth of a son
Thomas James HALSEY
between April 1848 and June 1848 (Age 21 years)
Citation details: Shoreditch RD, ref 2 395
Quality of data: primary evidence
Death of a wifeAlice LOVELOCK
between April 1848 and June 1848 (Age 21 years)


Shoreditch RD, ref 2 281

MarriageMargaret LOVELOCKView this family
June 22, 1851 (Age 24 years)
Quality of data: primary evidence
Citation details: Newington RD, ref 4 435
Quality of data: primary evidence
Note: Witnesses were Charles Henry Rivett and Elizabeth Lovelock.
Birth of a daughter
Alice Fanny HALSEY
between April 1852 and June 1852 (Age 25 years)
Citation details: Bermondsey RD, ref 1d 83
Quality of data: primary evidence
Birth of a son
James Thomas HALSEY
between July 1853 and September 1853 (Age 26 years)
Quality of data: primary evidence

St George Southwark RD, ref 1d 105

Birth of a son
Frederick John HALSEY
between October 1857 and December 1857 (Age 30 years)
Quality of data: primary evidence
Citation details: Shoreditch RD, ref 1c 196
Quality of data: primary evidence
Birth of a son
William Henry HALSEY
between July 1859 and September 1859 (Age 32 years)
Quality of data: primary evidence
Citation details: Greenwich RD, ref 1d 531
Quality of data: primary evidence
Census 1861 (Age 34 years)

Quality of data: primary evidence
Note: Chatsworth Buildings, North Side, Lower Road, Deptford, Kent, England
Birth of a son
between July 1864 and September 1864 (Age 37 years)
Citation details: Greenwich RD, ref 1d 619
Quality of data: primary evidence
Census 1871 (Age 44 years)

Quality of data: primary evidence
Note: 113 Keetons Road, Bermondsey, Surrey, England
Death of a wifeMargaret LOVELOCK
between April 1880 and June 1880 (Age 53 years)
Citation details: St Olave RD, ref 1d 119 (age 50)
Quality of data: primary evidence
Census 1881 (Age 54 years)

Quality of data: primary evidence
Note: 11 Freeschool Street, Southwark, Surrey, England
Death of a sonThomas James HALSEY
between April 1892 and June 1892 (Age 65 years)


St Olave RD, ref 1d 172 (age 43)

Note: Thomas' wife Charlotte claimed to be a widow in the 1891 Census, but the 1892 death of Thomas James is the only GRO entry that fits.
Death between October 1892 and December 1892 (Age 65 years)


Kensington RD, ref 1a 53 (age 68)

Family with Margaret LOVELOCK - View this family
Marriage: June 22, 1851Holy Trinity, Newington, Surrey, England
1 year
Alice Fanny HALSEY
Birth: between April 1852 and June 1852 25 22Bermondsey, Surrey, England
Death: June 7, 1908Springston, Selwyn, Canterbury, New Zealand
18 months
James Thomas HALSEY
Birth: between July 1853 and September 1853 26 23Old Kent Road, Surrey, England
Death: between January 1927 and March 1927
5 years
Frederick John HALSEY
Birth: between October 1857 and December 1857 30 27Kingsland, Middlesex, England
Death: between April 1917 and June 1917
2 years
William Henry HALSEY
Birth: between July 1859 and September 1859 32 29Deptford, Kent, England
Death: July 1935Whitehorse City, Victoria, Australia
5 years
Family with Alice LOVELOCK - View this family
Marriage: June 13, 1847St John the Baptist, Hoxton, Middlesex, England
13 months
Thomas James HALSEY
Birth: between April 1848 and June 1848 21 24Kingsland, Middlesex, England
Death: between April 1892 and June 1892

Birth1861 UK Census
Quality of data: primary evidence
MarriageLovelocks in Middlesex data on Lovelock website
MarriageLovelocks in Surrey data on Lovelock website
Quality of data: primary evidence
MarriageFreeBMD GRO Indexes
Citation details: Newington RD, ref 4 435
Quality of data: primary evidence
Census1861 UK Census
Quality of data: primary evidence
Census1871 UK Census
Quality of data: primary evidence
Census1881 UK Census
Quality of data: primary evidence
DeathFreeBMD GRO Indexes

Kensington RD, ref 1a 53 (age 68)


Witnesses were Charles Henry Rivett and Elizabeth Lovelock.


Chatsworth Buildings, North Side, Lower Road, Deptford, Kent, England RG09 396 F111 P31

James Halsey;Head;33;Ironmonger's Assistant;Chipperfield, Herts Margaret Halsey;Wife;31;;Shoreditch, Middx Thomas Halsey;Son;12;;Kingsland, Middx Alice Halsey;Daur;9;;Bermondsey, Surrey Ja's (sic) Halsey;Son;7;;Old Kent Rd, Surrey Fredk (sic) Halsey;Son;3;;Kingsland Willm (sic) Halsey;Son;1;;Deptford, Kent


113 Keetons Road, Bermondsey, Surrey, England RG10 636 F19 P32

James T Halsey;Head;43;Clerk to Brick Maker;Chipperfield, Herts Margaret Halsey;Wife;41;;London Thos (sic) James Halsey;Son;22;Brick Maker;Kingsland, Middx Alice Halsey;Daur;19;;Bermondsey, Surrey Jas Thos (sic) Halsey;Son;17;Brick Maker;Bermondsey, Surrey Fred (sic) J Halsey;Son;13;Clerk to Brick Maker;Middx William H Halsey;Son;11;;Deptford, Kent Arthur Halsey;Son;6;;Deptford, Kent


11 Freeschool Street, Southwark, Surrey, England RG11 556 F112 P43

Jas Thos (sic) Halsey;Head, Widr;53;Corn Dealer;Chipperfield, Herts Wm (sic) H Halsey:Son;21;Cashier;Deptford, Kent Arthur Halsey;Son;16;Corn Dealer's Assistant;Deptford, Kent Emma R Page;Serv;18;Genl Domestic Serv;Hommerton (sic), Middx