Wallingford Berks Line

Alfred Roy LovelockAge: 17 years19101927

Alfred Roy Lovelock
Given names
Alfred Roy
Birth 1910

Name: Alfred R Lovelock Birth Date: 1910 Father's name:Alfred J Lovelock Mother's name: Ada Birth Place: New South Wales Registration Year: 1910 Registration Place: Randwick, New South Wales Registration Number: 19198

Death of a motherAda S. Hardwick
March 9, 1915 (Age 5 years)
Source: Ryerson Index
Publication: http://ryersonindex.net/

LOVELOCK Ada Death notice 09MAR1915 Death 86 late of Kensington Sydney Morning Herald 13MAR1915


1915 LOVELOCK ADA S [Father] ROBERT [Mother] ISABELLA [Reg Dist] RANDWICK [Reg No] 1107/1915

Source: Newspaper

LOVELOCK - March 9, at her residence, Glenwood, Ascot-street, Kensington, Ada Lovelock, aged 36years, beloved wife of A. J. Lovelock. [Sydney Morning Herald, Sat 13 March 1915: TROVE]

Death of a paternal grandmotherMary Ann Horder
December 2, 1920 (Age 10 years)
Source: Find a Grave
Publication: www.findagrave.com

1920 LOVELOCK MARY A [Father] ALFRED [Mother] ELIZABETH [Reg Dist] PADDINGTON [Reg No] 20874/1920

Source: Ryerson Index
Publication: http://ryersonindex.net/

LOVELOCK Mary Ann Death notice 02DEC1920 Death 66 late of Paddington Sydney Morning Herald 03DEC1920 LOVELOCK Mary Ann Funeral notice 04DEC1920 Funeral late of Paddington Sydney Morning Herald 04DEC1920

Burial of a paternal grandmotherMary Ann Horder
December 4, 1920 (Age 10 years)
Source: Find a Grave
Publication: www.findagrave.com

Mary Ann Lovelock Birth: 1854 Death: 1920 Family links: Spouse: Charles Lovelock (1856 - 1942) Children: Elizabeth Jane Lovelock (1877 - 1880)* Florence Laura Lovelock (1884 - 1886)* Albert Henry Lovelock (1887 - 1888)* *Calculated relationship

Burial: Rookwood Necropolis Lidcombe New South Wales, Australia Plot: Old Church England. Sect F

Death May 16, 1927 (Age 17 years)

1927 LOVELOCK ALFRED R [Father] ALFRED J [Mother] ADA S [Reg Dist] REDFERN [Reg No] 6357/1927

Source: MI

In Loving Memory of My Dear Wife Ada Lovelock Who died 9 March 1915 Aged 36 Years Also Alfred Roy Son of the Above Fell Asleep May 16th 1927 Aged 16 Years 3 months

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: 1905Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
1 year
elder brother
6 years
Alfred Roy Lovelock
Birth: 1910Registration District, Randwick, New South Wales, Australia
Death: May 16, 1927Registration District, Redfern, New South Wales, Australia

BirthNSW BDM On-Line

Name: Alfred R Lovelock Birth Date: 1910 Father's name:Alfred J Lovelock Mother's name: Ada Birth Place: New South Wales Registration Year: 1910 Registration Place: Randwick, New South Wales Registration Number: 19198

DeathNSW BDM On-Line

1927 LOVELOCK ALFRED R [Father] ALFRED J [Mother] ADA S [Reg Dist] REDFERN [Reg No] 6357/1927


In Loving Memory of My Dear Wife Ada Lovelock Who died 9 March 1915 Aged 36 Years Also Alfred Roy Son of the Above Fell Asleep May 16th 1927 Aged 16 Years 3 months