Raymond Lewis LOVELOCKAge: 74 years1937–2012
- Name
- Raymond Lewis LOVELOCK
- Given names
- Raymond Lewis
- Surname
Birth | between July 1937 and September 1937 42 39 Source: GRO Index of Births Text: Uxbridge RD, ref 3a 138 |
Birth of a sister | Lilian Joyce LOVELOCK July 4, 1939 (Age 2 years) Source: Susan Bond |
Death of a sister | Lilian Joyce LOVELOCK 1957 (Age 19 years) Source: Susan Bond Source: GRO Index of Deaths Text: Uxbridge RD, ref 5f 77 |
Death of a mother | Sarah Dorothy METCALF June 29, 1971 (Age 33 years) Source: Susan Bond |
Death of a father | Lionel William LOVELOCK between October 1977 and December 1977 (Age 40 years) Source: Susan Bond Source: GRO Index of Deaths Citation details: Cardigan W RD, ref 24 1358 (dob 08 DE 1894) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death of a sister | Mimosa Kathleen LOVELOCK January 1996 (Age 58 years) Source: Susan Bond Source: GRO Index of Deaths Text: Shrewsbury RD, ref A51A |
Death of a sister | Charlotte Vera LOVELOCK November 24, 2008 (Age 71 years) Source: Findagrave.com website |
Death | between January 2012 and March 2012 (Age 74 years) Text: Cardiganshire North RD, ref 816-1 506418148 (registered as Raymond Louis L Lovelock) |
Family with parents |
father |
Lionel William LOVELOCK Birth: December 8, 1894 30 25 — Staines, Middlesex, England Death: between October 1977 and December 1977 — Aberystwyth, Cardiganshire, Wales |
mother |
Sarah Dorothy METCALF Birth: November 12, 1897 — Peterchurch, Herefordshire, England Death: June 29, 1971 — Aberystwyth, Cardiganshire, Wales |
Marriage: July 5, 1919 — Peterchurch, Herefordshire, England |
9 months elder sister |
Charlotte Vera LOVELOCK Birth: April 11, 1920 25 22 Death: November 24, 2008 — New South Wales, Australia |
7 years elder sister |
Mimosa Kathleen LOVELOCK Birth: July 31, 1927 32 29 — Kington, Herefordshire, England Death: January 1996 — Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England |
10 years himself |
Raymond Lewis LOVELOCK Birth: between July 1937 and September 1937 42 39 Death: between January 2012 and March 2012 |
2 years younger sister |
Lilian Joyce LOVELOCK Birth: July 4, 1939 44 41 — Uxbridge, Middlesex, England Death: 1957 — Harefield, Middlesex, England |
Family with Amelia I MAGNANTI |
himself |
Raymond Lewis LOVELOCK Birth: between July 1937 and September 1937 42 39 Death: between January 2012 and March 2012 |
wife |
Family with Mona BLACKMAN |
himself |
Raymond Lewis LOVELOCK Birth: between July 1937 and September 1937 42 39 Death: between January 2012 and March 2012 |
wife |
Marwood H J FORD + Amelia I MAGNANTI |
wife’s husband |
Marwood H J FORD |
wife |
wife’s husband |
wife |
Birth | GRO Index of Births Text: Uxbridge RD, ref 3a 138 |
Death | GRO Online Indices of Births and Deaths Text: Cardiganshire North RD, ref 816-1 506418148 (registered as Raymond Louis L Lovelock) |
Source | gedcom file from Graham Lovelock 20-Jun-08 Publication: Based on skeleton gedcom file produced fromy Kent Lovelocks descendant tree. The latter was derived from research by Gwen Eastment, with additions by Robert Sterry (in particular from Ancestral File) and a branch added by Graham Lovelock and Susan Bond, beginning with William Lovelock (1801-1879).
Source references and additional entries supplied by Graham Lovelock |
Source | Gedcom file from Kent Lovelocks descendant tree Publication: Skeleton gedcom file produced 12-Jun-08 by James Loveluck from Kent Lovelocks descendant tree. The latter was derived from research by Gwen Eastment, with additions by Robert Sterry (in particular from Ancestral File) and a branch added by Graham Lovelock and Susan Bond, beginning with William Lovelock (1801-1879). |