James DearloveAge: 40 years1777–1818
- Name
- James Dearlove
- Given names
- James
- Surname
- Dearlove
James Mouldy
- Name
- James Mouldy
- Given names
- James
- Surname
- Mouldy
Birth | June 15, 1777 Source: Calculated from age at burial Source: Family Search Publication: www.familysearch.org Text: Name: James Dearlove Mouldy Gender: Male Christening Date: 15 Jun 1777 Christening Place: HAGBOURNE,BERKSHIRE,ENGLAND Mother's Name: Maria Mouldy |
Marriage | Elizabeth Lovelock — View this family June 28, 1802 (Age 25 years) Source: Letter from John Talbot 8.11.00 Publication: John Talbot responded to a letter John Lovelock put in the Wallingford Herald. John provided a Family Tree but no other information. Source: Wallingford St Mary PR Text: Wallingford St Mary le More Marriages [Modern Transcript] 1802 Jun 28 DEARLOVE James of this parish and LOVELOCK Elizabeth of this parish by banns. Wit: Mary LOVELOCK, Catherine Dearlove, James X Dafter Shared note: Oxon FHS Search Service was unable to locate any more children of this marriage. The gap between births/baptisms is unusual.
Birth of a son #1 | John Dearlove about 1803 (Age 25 years) |
Christening of a son | John Dearlove January 23, 1803 (Age 25 years) Source: Oxfordshire FHS Baptism Index Text: Wallingford St. Leonard Baptisms 1803 Jan 23 DEARLOVE John s. James & Elizabeth |
Birth of a son #2 | James Dearlove about 1816 (Age 38 years) |
Christening of a son | James Dearlove August 25, 1816 (Age 39 years) Source: Oxfordshire FHS Baptism Index Text: Wallingford St. Leonard Baptisms 1816 Aug 25 James s. James, lab. & Elizabeth, of Back Lane |
Death | 1818 (Age 40 years) |
Burial | December 22, 1818 (Age 41 years) Source: PR Wallingford St Mary Citation details: PR Transcript Text: Wallingford St Mary Burials 1818 Dec 22 James Dearlove, 40yrs, St Leonards |
Family with parents |
father | |
mother | |
Marriage: May 23, 1773 — Hagbourne, Berkshire, England |
4 years himself |
James Dearlove Birth: June 15, 1777 — Hagbourne, Berkshire, England Death: 1818 |
Family with Elizabeth Lovelock |
himself |
James Dearlove Birth: June 15, 1777 — Hagbourne, Berkshire, England Death: 1818 |
wife |
Elizabeth Lovelock Birth: about 1780 — Berkshire, England Death: 1845 |
Marriage: June 28, 1802 — St Mary Le More, Wallingford, Berkshire, England |
18 months son |
John Dearlove Birth: about 1803 Death: |
14 years son |
James Dearlove Birth: about 1816 Death: 1842 |
Richard Child + Elizabeth Lovelock |
wife’s husband |
Richard Child Birth: about 1789 — Wallingford, Berkshire, England Death: |
wife |
Elizabeth Lovelock Birth: about 1780 — Berkshire, England Death: 1845 |
Marriage: July 11, 1819 — St Nicholas, Abingdon, Berkshire, England |
Birth | Calculated from age at burial |
Birth | Family Search Publication: www.familysearch.org Text: Name: James Dearlove Mouldy Gender: Male Christening Date: 15 Jun 1777 Christening Place: HAGBOURNE,BERKSHIRE,ENGLAND Mother's Name: Maria Mouldy |
Marriage | Letter from John Talbot 8.11.00 Publication: John Talbot responded to a letter John Lovelock put in the Wallingford Herald. John provided a Family Tree but no other information. |
Marriage | Wallingford St Mary PR Text: Wallingford St Mary le More Marriages [Modern Transcript] 1802 Jun 28 DEARLOVE James of this parish and LOVELOCK Elizabeth of this parish by banns. Wit: Mary LOVELOCK, Catherine Dearlove, James X Dafter |
Burial | PR Wallingford St Mary Citation details: PR Transcript Text: Wallingford St Mary Burials 1818 Dec 22 James Dearlove, 40yrs, St Leonards |
Marriage | Oxon FHS Search Service was unable to locate any more children of this marriage. The gap between births/baptisms is unusual. |