Tonbridge, Kent

Sarah Dorothy METCALFAge: 73 years18971971

Sarah Dorothy METCALF
Given names
Sarah Dorothy
Birth November 12, 1897
Source: Susan Bond
MarriageLionel William LOVELOCKView this family
July 5, 1919 (Age 21 years)
Source: Susan Bond
Citation details: Hereford RD, ref 6a 1481
Quality of data: primary evidence
Birth of a daughter
Charlotte Vera LOVELOCK
April 11, 1920 (Age 22 years)


Windsor RD, ref 2c 962

Christening of a daughterCharlotte Vera LOVELOCK
May 16, 1920 (Age 22 years)
Census 1921 (Age 23 years)

Note: Hinton Villa, Peterchurch, Hereford RD, Herefordshire, England
Birth of a daughter
Mimosa Kathleen LOVELOCK
July 31, 1927 (Age 29 years)
Source: Susan Bond

Kington RD, ref 6a 774

Note: The death registration entry gives the date of birth as 30 Jul 1927.
Birth of a son
Raymond Lewis LOVELOCK
between July 1937 and September 1937 (Age 39 years)


Uxbridge RD, ref 3a 138

Birth of a daughter
Lilian Joyce LOVELOCK
July 4, 1939 (Age 41 years)
Source: Susan Bond
Death of a daughterLilian Joyce LOVELOCK
1957 (Age 59 years)
Source: Susan Bond

Uxbridge RD, ref 5f 77

Death June 29, 1971 (Age 73 years)
Source: Susan Bond
Family with Lionel William LOVELOCK - View this family
Marriage: July 5, 1919Peterchurch, Herefordshire, England
9 months
7 years
10 years
2 years
Lilian Joyce LOVELOCK
Birth: July 4, 1939 44 41Uxbridge, Middlesex, England
Death: 1957Harefield, Middlesex, England

BirthSusan Bond
Birth1939 Register at Find my past website
MarriageSusan Bond
MarriageGRO Index of Marriages
Citation details: Hereford RD, ref 6a 1481
Quality of data: primary evidence
DeathSusan Bond
DeathNational Probate Calendars data on main Lovelock website
Sourcegedcom file from Graham Lovelock 20-Jun-08
Publication: Based on skeleton gedcom file produced fromy Kent Lovelocks descendant tree. The latter was derived from research by Gwen Eastment, with additions by Robert Sterry (in particular from Ancestral File) and a branch added by Graham Lovelock and Susan Bond, beginning with William Lovelock (1801-1879). Source references and additional entries supplied by Graham Lovelock
SourceGedcom file from Kent Lovelocks descendant tree
Publication: Skeleton gedcom file produced 12-Jun-08 by James Loveluck from Kent Lovelocks descendant tree. The latter was derived from research by Gwen Eastment, with additions by Robert Sterry (in particular from Ancestral File) and a branch added by Graham Lovelock and Susan Bond, beginning with William Lovelock (1801-1879).

Hinton Villa, Peterchurch, Hereford RD, Herefordshire, England

Sarah Metcalf;Head (widow);69y 3m;Peterchurch, Herefordshire;General Dealer Albert Metcalf;Son;34y 10m;Peterchurch, Herefordshire;Labourer Noah Metcalf;Son;30y 1m;Peterchurch, Herefordshire;Labourer Sarah Lovelock;Daughter;23y 6m;Peterchurch, Herefordshire;House Duties Lionel William Lovelock;Son in Law;26y 6m;Staines, Middlesex;Baker Charlotte Vera Lovelock;Granddaughter;1y 2m;Staines, Middlesex