Elizabeth LovelockAge: 65 years1780–1845
- Name
- Elizabeth Lovelock
- Given names
- Elizabeth
- Surname
- Lovelock
Birth | about 1780 Source: 1841 England Census Source: Oxfordshire FHS Burial Index |
Birth of a sister | Hannah Lovelock December 4, 1781 (Age 23 months) |
Christening of a sister | Hannah Lovelock December 26, 1781 (Age 23 months) Text: Wallingford St Leonards Baptism [Transcript by Oxfordshire FHS. Checked by John Lovelock.] 1781 Dec 26 Hannah d of John and Mary |
Birth of a brother | John Lovelock about 1783 (Age 3 years) |
Christening of a brother | John Lovelock April 28, 1783 (Age 3 years) Source: Berkshire PRs Text: Wallingford Baptisms 1783 Apr 28 LOVELOCK John s. John and Mary |
Birth of a brother | James Lovelock about 1785 (Age 5 years) Source: 1851 England Census |
Christening of a brother | James Lovelock January 19, 1785 (Age 5 years) Source: Wallingford St Mary PR Text: Wallingford St Mary Baptism 1785 Jan 19 LOVELOCK James s. John and Mary |
Birth of a brother | William George Lovelock March 1, 1786 (Age 6 years) |
Christening of a brother | William George Lovelock June 21, 1786 (Age 6 years) Source: Berkshire PRs Text: 1786 Jun 21 LOVELOCK Willm s. John and Mary |
Birth of a brother | Thomas Lovelock about 1788 (Age 8 years) |
Christening of a brother | Thomas Lovelock March 10, 1788 (Age 8 years) Source: Berkshire PRs Text: Wallingford St Mary 1788 Mar 10 LOVELOCK Thomas s. John and Mary |
Birth of a sister | Mary Maria Lovelock about 1790 (Age 10 years) Source: Death Certificate |
Birth of a brother | Stephen Lovelock about 1791 (Age 11 years) |
Christening of a brother | Stephen Lovelock October 26, 1791 (Age 11 years) Source: Berkshire PRs Text: 1791 Oct 26 LOVELOCK Stephen s. John and Mary |
Birth of a brother | Job Lovelock about 1793 (Age 13 years) |
Christening of a brother | Job Lovelock May 29, 1793 (Age 13 years) Source: Berkshire PRs Text: 1793 May 29 LOVELOCK Job s. John and Mary |
Marriage | James Dearlove — View this family June 28, 1802 (Age 22 years) Source: Letter from John Talbot 8.11.00 Publication: John Talbot responded to a letter John Lovelock put in the Wallingford Herald. John provided a Family Tree but no other information. Source: Wallingford St Mary PR Text: Wallingford St Mary le More Marriages [Modern Transcript] 1802 Jun 28 DEARLOVE James of this parish and LOVELOCK Elizabeth of this parish by banns. Wit: Mary LOVELOCK, Catherine Dearlove, James X Dafter Shared note: Oxon FHS Search Service was unable to locate any more children of this marriage. The gap between births/baptisms is unusual.
Birth of a son #1 | John Dearlove about 1803 (Age 23 years) |
Christening of a son | John Dearlove January 23, 1803 (Age 23 years) Source: Oxfordshire FHS Baptism Index Text: Wallingford St. Leonard Baptisms 1803 Jan 23 DEARLOVE John s. James & Elizabeth |
Death of a mother | Mary Whitwick June 6, 1804 (Age 24 years) Source: Wallingford St Mary Le More MIs Text: Plot M34 In memory of JOHN LOVELOCK who died Aug 5th 1817 aged 77 yrs Also Mary his Wife died June 6th Aged 50 Yrs. |
Burial of a mother | Mary Whitwick June 6, 1804 (Age 24 years) Source: Letter from John Talbot 8.11.00 Publication: John Talbot responded to a letter John Lovelock put in the Wallingford Herald. John provided a Family Tree but no other information. Text: MI Wallingford Plot M34. In memory of John Lovelock who died Aug 5th 1817 aged 77 Yrs Also Mary his Wife died June 6th Aged 50 Yrs. PR Wallingford: 1804 Jun 6 LOVELOCK Mrs Mary Source: Wallingford St Mary PR Text: Wallingford St Mary Le More Burials [Modern Transcript] 1804 Jun 6 LOVELOCK Mrs Mary |
Birth of a son #2 | James Dearlove about 1816 (Age 36 years) |
Christening of a son | James Dearlove August 25, 1816 (Age 36 years) Source: Oxfordshire FHS Baptism Index Text: Wallingford St. Leonard Baptisms 1816 Aug 25 James s. James, lab. & Elizabeth, of Back Lane |
Death of a father | John Lovelock August 5, 1817 (Age 37 years) Source: MI Text: MI reads: "In memory of John Lovelock who died 5 August 1817 aged 77 years also his Wife Mary who died June 6th 1804 aged 50". |
Burial of a father | John Lovelock August 18, 1817 (Age 37 years) Source: Letter from John Talbot 8.11.00 Publication: John Talbot responded to a letter John Lovelock put in the Wallingford Herald. John provided a Family Tree but no other information. Text: Also Wallingford MIs, Oxon FHS. Plot M34. In memory of John Lovelock who died Aug 5th 1817 aged 77 Yrs Also Mary his Wife died June 6th 1804 Aged 50 Yrs. Wallingford PR: 1817 Aug 18 LOVELOCK John 77 yrs Fish St of this parish |
Death of a husband | James Dearlove 1818 (Age 38 years) |
Burial of a husband | James Dearlove December 22, 1818 (Age 38 years) Source: PR Wallingford St Mary Citation details: PR Transcript Text: Wallingford St Mary Burials 1818 Dec 22 James Dearlove, 40yrs, St Leonards |
Marriage | Richard Child — View this family July 11, 1819 (Age 39 years) Source: Oxfordshire FHS Marriage Index Text: Abingdon St Nicholas 1819 Jul 11 CHILD Richard Abingdon St Nich DEARLOVE Elizabeth widow Shared note: 1841 Census |
Death of a brother | Stephen Lovelock 1826 (Age 46 years) |
Burial of a brother | Stephen Lovelock June 9, 1826 (Age 46 years) Source: Oxfordshire PR Text: 1826 Jun 9 Stephen Lovelock, aged 35, Thame |
Death of a sister | Hannah Lovelock 1830 (Age 50 years) |
Burial of a sister | Hannah Lovelock May 18, 1830 (Age 50 years) Source: Parish Register Text: Wallingford St Leonard 1830 May 18 Hannah Readings, aged 44, Church Lane [Source: Berkshire Burial Index; also checked in PR by Berkshire FHS. '44' is correct.] |
Death of a son | James Dearlove 1842 (Age 62 years) |
Burial of a son | James Dearlove January 17, 1842 (Age 62 years) Source: Oxfordshire FHS Burial Index Text: Wallingford St Leonards Burial 1842 Jan 17 DEARLOVE James 25yrs, of Kine Croft |
Burial | January 31, 1845 (Age 65 years) Source: Oxfordshire FHS Burial Index Text: Wallingford St Leonards Burial 1845 Jan 31 CHILD Elizabeth 64yrs, of St John's Walk |
Death of a brother | William George Lovelock December 22, 1845 (Age 65 years) Source: Will of William Lovelock 1847 |
Burial of a brother | William George Lovelock December 25, 1845 (Age 65 years) Source: MI Text: Also Headstone in St Mary's, Wallingford churchyard close to the tower reads: In memory of Willm Lovelock who died 1845 ...... Also Kitty his wife died Dec 2, 1824 aged .... H L died Jan 3 1867 aged 77 years". Plot M33. Source: Wallingford St Mary PR Text: Wallingford St Mary Le More Burials 1845 Dec 25 LOVELOCK Wm 59 yrs St Martin's St of this parish |
Death | 1845 (Age 65 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
John Lovelock Birth: about 1740 Death: August 5, 1817 |
mother |
Mary Whitwick Birth: about 1754 Death: June 6, 1804 |
Marriage: November 15, 1779 — St Leonards, Wallingford, Berkshire, England |
14 months herself |
Elizabeth Lovelock Birth: about 1780 — Berkshire, England Death: 1845 |
23 months younger sister |
Hannah Lovelock Birth: December 4, 1781 Death: 1830 |
2 years younger brother |
John Lovelock Birth: about 1783 — Watlington, Oxfordshire, England Death: 1848 |
3 years younger brother |
James Lovelock Birth: about 1785 — Wallingford, Berkshire, England Death: January 22, 1864 — Stoke Talmage, Oxfordshire, England |
14 months younger brother |
William George Lovelock Birth: March 1, 1786 Death: December 22, 1845 — Wallingford, Berkshire, England |
3 years younger brother |
Thomas Lovelock Birth: about 1788 Death: 1849 |
3 years younger sister |
Mary Maria Lovelock Birth: about 1790 Death: September 5, 1856 — 2 Bodford Place, Hanover Square, Middlesex, England |
2 years younger brother |
Stephen Lovelock Birth: about 1791 Death: 1826 |
3 years younger brother |
Job Lovelock Birth: about 1793 — Watlington, Oxfordshire, England Death: January 22, 1852 |
Family with James Dearlove |
husband |
James Dearlove Birth: June 15, 1777 — Hagbourne, Berkshire, England Death: 1818 |
herself |
Elizabeth Lovelock Birth: about 1780 — Berkshire, England Death: 1845 |
Marriage: June 28, 1802 — St Mary Le More, Wallingford, Berkshire, England |
18 months son |
John Dearlove Birth: about 1803 Death: |
14 years son |
James Dearlove Birth: about 1816 Death: 1842 |
Family with Richard Child |
husband |
Richard Child Birth: about 1789 — Wallingford, Berkshire, England Death: |
herself |
Elizabeth Lovelock Birth: about 1780 — Berkshire, England Death: 1845 |
Marriage: July 11, 1819 — St Nicholas, Abingdon, Berkshire, England |
Birth | 1841 England Census |
Birth | Oxfordshire FHS Burial Index |
Marriage | Letter from John Talbot 8.11.00 Publication: John Talbot responded to a letter John Lovelock put in the Wallingford Herald. John provided a Family Tree but no other information. |
Marriage | Wallingford St Mary PR Text: Wallingford St Mary le More Marriages [Modern Transcript] 1802 Jun 28 DEARLOVE James of this parish and LOVELOCK Elizabeth of this parish by banns. Wit: Mary LOVELOCK, Catherine Dearlove, James X Dafter |
Marriage | Oxfordshire FHS Marriage Index Text: Abingdon St Nicholas 1819 Jul 11 CHILD Richard Abingdon St Nich DEARLOVE Elizabeth widow |
Burial | Oxfordshire FHS Burial Index Text: Wallingford St Leonards Burial 1845 Jan 31 CHILD Elizabeth 64yrs, of St John's Walk |
Marriage | Oxon FHS Search Service was unable to locate any more children of this marriage. The gap between births/baptisms is unusual. |
Marriage | 1841 Census HO107/ 0023/ 023/ 14 Moreton & Wallingford Wallingford St Mary Book/Folio Address, Head, Surname, Forename, Age, Occupation, Born In County<b> </b>23/14 CHILD Richard 49 Parish Clerk y 23/14 DEARLOVE James 24 Grocer y 23/14 BUCKELL Joseph 30 Sawyer y 23/14 BERRY Henry 25 MS y 23/14 DEARLOVE Caroline 22 y 23/14 CHILD Elizabeth 59 y [Supplied by Oxon FHS. Searched for but could not locate a baptism or marriage for Caroline Dearlove. May be a wife or sister of James Dearlove.] 1851 Census Wallingford St Leonards Square Robert Wernham, Head, 44, Publican, born Wallingford Berkshire Ann Wernham, Wife, 40, born Watlington Oxon Charles Wernham, Son, 8, born Wallingford Berks Mary Wernham, Dau, 7, born Wallingford Berkshire Ann Wernham, Dau, 1, born Wallingford Berkshire Richard Child, Lodger, Widr, 62, Parish Clerk, born Wallingford Berkshire Richard Weeks, Lodger, 30, Upholsterer, born Southampton [Hampshire] Nancy Weeks, Lodgers Wife, 30, Milliner & Dressmaker, born Gainsboro [Lincolnshire] Ellen Weeks, Dau, 1, born Gainsboro James Green, Lodger, Unm, 21, Labourer, born Northamptonshire Jerry Cox, Lodger, Unm, 20 Labourer, born Didcot Berks John White, Lodger, Unm, 50, Labourer, born Wallingford Berks John Whichello, Lodger, 5, born East Greenwich Kent Martha Whichello, Lodger, Married, 39, born Cholsey Berks Elizabeth Whichello, Lodger, 1, born Windsor Berks |
Shared note | Gwen Eastment's research notes give a date of baptism of 25 Aug 1779 but source is unknown. If correct, Elizabeth would have been born prior to her parents' marriage. Oxfordshire Family history Search Service undertook a search for this baptism but were unable to locate it. 'I have searched all baptisms for both Elizabeth LOVELOCK and Elizabeth WHITWICK or similar but there is nothing at a plausible date. I made a manual check of the three Wallingford churches to see if there was a baptism at or near 25 Aug 1779 but found nothing to explain where this date may have come from. I also repeated this check at Crowmarsh Gifford which Mary gives as her place of residence at her marriage. It may be significant that the first of John & Mary's children baptised at Wallingford, St Mary, was in 1783, 4 years after the wedding. So there is scope for a second "missing" child as well as Elizabeth. I wonder if it is possible that Mary WHITWICK's parents were non-conformist, possible Quaker? I could find no baptism for Mary herself at Crowmarsh or elsewhere, but there are two WIGHTWICK burials there in 1737, suggesting the family was living in the Crowmarsh area at that time.' [Alan Simpson] Age of Elizabeth stated in 1841 census after her second marriage to Richard Child, Parish Clerk - apparently not rounded down - would make her birth date abt 1782. Her age stated in her burial entry would make her birth date abt 1781. In fact she was probably born abt 1779 or 1780 as her sister Hannah was baptised in 1781. Probably born Wallingford. Bequeathed house in Will of her father 1818. |