Phyllis Emily DayAge: 101 years1914–2016
- Name
- Phyllis Emily Day
- Given names
- Phyllis Emily
- Surname
- Day
Birth | July 4, 1914 31 29 Text: Swindon RD, ref 5a 37 Source: 1921 British Census |
Birth of a sister | Eileen Elizabeth Day April 15, 1918 (Age 3 years) Text: Swindon RD, ref 5a 46 Source: 1921 British Census Note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Death of a maternal grandmother | Catherine Reeve Lane between January 1941 and March 1941 (Age 26 years) Text: Epping RD, ref 4a 674 (age 87) |
Burial of a maternal grandmother | Catherine Reeve Lane February 17, 1941 (Age 26 years) |
Death of a mother | Florence Emily Lovelock between October 1949 and December 1949 (Age 35 years) Text: Oxford RD, ref 6b 892 (age 65) |
Death of a father | Alfred John Day between October 1960 and December 1960 (Age 46 years) Source: GRO Text: Swindon RD, ref 7c 614 (age 77) |
Death of a brother | John William Day between January 1969 and March 1969 (Age 54 years) Source: GRO Text: Swindon RD, ref 7c 1076 (age 60) |
Death of a sister | Eileen Elizabeth Day August 1995 (Age 81 years) Source: Data at Text: Poole RD, ref A17E 281 (registered in second married name of Beesley) |
Death of a brother | Percy Alfred Day between October 2007 and December 2007 (Age 93 years) Text: Kent RD, ref 5641D 500617070 |
Death | between April 2016 and June 2016 (Age 101 years) Text: Hertfordshire RD, ref 538-1O 513696245 (registered in married name of Sansom) |
Family with parents |
father |
Alfred John Day Birth: March 6, 1883 — Swindon, Wiltshire, England Death: between October 1960 and December 1960 |
mother |
Florence Emily Lovelock Birth: October 21, 1884 31 30 — Swindon, Wiltshire, England Death: between October 1949 and December 1949 |
Marriage: between July 1907 and September 1907 — |
9 months elder brother |
John William Day Birth: March 27, 1908 25 23 — Swindon, Wiltshire, England Death: between January 1969 and March 1969 |
5 years elder brother |
Percy Alfred Day Birth: December 20, 1912 29 28 Death: between October 2007 and December 2007 |
18 months herself |
Phyllis Emily Day Birth: July 4, 1914 31 29 — Swindon, Wiltshire, England Death: between April 2016 and June 2016 |
4 years younger sister |
Eileen Elizabeth Day Birth: April 15, 1918 35 33 — Swindon, Wiltshire, England Death: August 1995 |
Birth | GRO Online Index of Births and Deaths Text: Swindon RD, ref 5a 37 |
Birth | 1939 Register at Findmypast website |
Birth | 1921 British Census |
Death | GRO Online Index of Births and Deaths Text: Hertfordshire RD, ref 538-1O 513696245 (registered in married name of Sansom) |