Tonbridge, Kent

Henry Thomas Levy LOVELOCK (HODGES)Age: 27 years18581885

Henry Thomas Levy LOVELOCK (HODGES)
Given names
Henry Thomas Levy
Birth 1858 56 38
Source: 1861 Census
Birth of a sisterMary Ann LOVELOCK (HODGES)
1859 (Age 12 months)
Source: 1881 Census
Census 1861 (Age 3 years)

Source: 1861 Census
Note: Tovil Hill, Maidstone, Kent, England
Death of a half-brotherLevi LOVELOCK
between October 1862 and December 1862 (Age 4 years)
Citation details: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 291
Quality of data: primary evidence
Marriage of parentsWilliam LOVELOCKLucy HODGESView this family
between July 1863 and September 1863 (Age 5 years)
Citation details: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 765
Quality of data: primary evidence
Birth of a brotherWilliam LOVELOCK
May 10, 1864 (Age 6 years)
Source: Susan Bond

Maidstone RD, ref 2a 503

Census 1871 (Age 13 years)

Source: 1871 Census
Note: 22 Tovil Hill, Maidstone, Kent, England
Death of a half-brotherHenry LOVELOCK
between April 1873 and June 1873 (Age 15 years)
Citation details: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 334 (age 40)
Quality of data: primary evidence
Death of a fatherWilliam LOVELOCK
between April 1879 and June 1879 (Age 21 years)
Citation details: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 389
Quality of data: primary evidence
MarriageHarriet CAPELINGView this family
February 2, 1880 (Age 22 years)
Citation details: Barnstaple RD, ref 5b 733
Quality of data: primary evidence
Birth of a son
Henry Thomas Levy LOVELOCK
between January 1880 and March 1880 (Age 22 years)
Citation details: Barnstaple RD, ref 5b 469
Quality of data: primary evidence
Death of a sonHenry Thomas Levy LOVELOCK
between April 1880 and June 1880 (Age 22 years)
Citation details: Barnstaple RD, ref 5b 327
Quality of data: primary evidence
Census 1881 (Age 23 years)

Source: 1881 Census
Note: 3a Silver Street, St James, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England
Birth of a son
Stephen Henry LOVELOCK
between April 1882 and June 1882 (Age 24 years)
Citation details: Bristol RD, ref 6a 10
Quality of data: primary evidence
Christening of a sonStephen Henry LOVELOCK
November 7, 1884 (Age 26 years)
Birth of a son
Thomas William LOVELOCK
between January 1885 and March 1885 (on the date of death)


Bedminster RD, ref 5c 698

Christening of a sonThomas William LOVELOCK
March 26, 1885 (Age 27 years)
Death between January 1885 and March 1885 (Age 27 years)
Citation details: Bristol RD, ref 6a 7
Quality of data: primary evidence
Burial March 29, 1885 (Age 27 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: between July 1863 and September 1863Maidstone RD, Maidstone, Kent, England
-5 years
2 years
younger sister
5 years
younger brother
Father’s family with Harriet DUNWELL - View this family
Birth: between 1803 and 1804Maidstone, Kent, England
Death: between July 1854 and September 1854Maidstone RD, Maidstone, Kent, England
Marriage: March 3, 1823West Farleigh, Kent, England
22 months
5 years
Birth: between 1826 and 1827 24 23East Farleigh, Kent, England
Death: between October 1862 and December 1862Maidstone RD, Maidstone, Kent, England
7 years
Family with Harriet CAPELING - View this family
Marriage: February 2, 1880Holy Trinity, Barnstaple, Devon, England
2 months
Henry Thomas Levy LOVELOCK
Birth: between January 1880 and March 1880 22 26Barnstaple RD, Barnstaple, Devon, England
Death: between April 1880 and June 1880Barnstaple RD, Barnstaple, Devon, England
3 years
Stephen Henry LOVELOCK
Birth: between April 1882 and June 1882 24 28Bristol RD, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England
Death: between April 1900 and June 1900Canterbury RD, Canterbury, Kent, England
3 years

Birth1861 Census
Census1861 Census
Census1871 Census
MarriageGRO Index of Marriages
Citation details: Barnstaple RD, ref 5b 733
Quality of data: primary evidence
Marriage'Lovelocks in Somerset' data on main Lovelock website
Census1881 Census
DeathGRO Index of Deaths
Citation details: Bristol RD, ref 6a 7
Quality of data: primary evidence
Burial'Lovelocks in Gloucestershire' data on main Lovelock website
Sourcegedcom file from Graham Lovelock 20-Jun-08
Publication: Based on skeleton gedcom file produced fromy Kent Lovelocks descendant tree. The latter was derived from research by Gwen Eastment, with additions by Robert Sterry (in particular from Ancestral File) and a branch added by Graham Lovelock and Susan Bond, beginning with William Lovelock (1801-1879). Source references and additional entries supplied by Graham Lovelock
SourceGedcom file from Kent Lovelocks descendant tree
Publication: Skeleton gedcom file produced 12-Jun-08 by James Loveluck from Kent Lovelocks descendant tree. The latter was derived from research by Gwen Eastment, with additions by Robert Sterry (in particular from Ancestral File) and a branch added by Graham Lovelock and Susan Bond, beginning with William Lovelock (1801-1879).

Tovil Hill, Maidstone, Kent, England RG9 501 F12 P18

William Lovelock;Head;Widr;59;Ag Lab;Tonbridge, Kent Levi Lovelock;Son;;31;Ag Lab;Maidstone, Kent Lucy Hodges;Serv;;40;Laundress;Leybourne, Kent Henry Hodges;Boarder;;3;;Maidstone, Kent Mary A Hodges;Boarder;;1;;Maidstone, Kent


22 Tovil Hill, Maidstone, Kent, England RG10 941 F50 P2

William Lovelock;Head;69;Ag Lab;Tonbridge, Kent Lucy Lovelock;Wife;50;Laundress;Leybourne, Kent Henry Lovelock;Son;13;Employed at Paper Mill;Maidstone, Kent Mary A Lovelock;Daur;11;Maidstone, Kent William Lovelock;Son;6;;Maidstone, Kent


3a Silver Street, St James, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England RG11 2474 F23 P4

Hy T L (sic) Lovelock;Head;22;Paper Maker (out of employ);Maidstone, Kent Harriet Lovelock;Wife;25;Dressmaker;Ashford, Kent