Tonbridge, Kent

Thomas William LOVELOCKAge: 6 months18851885

Thomas William LOVELOCK
Given names
Thomas William
Birth between January 1885 and March 1885 27 31


Bedminster RD, ref 5c 698

Christening March 26, 1885
Death of a fatherHenry Thomas Levy LOVELOCK (HODGES)
between January 1885 and March 1885
Citation details: Bristol RD, ref 6a 7
Quality of data: primary evidence
Burial of a fatherHenry Thomas Levy LOVELOCK (HODGES)
March 29, 1885
Death between July 1885 and September 1885 (Age 6 months)


West Ashford RD, ref 2a 414 (age 0)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: February 2, 1880Holy Trinity, Barnstaple, Devon, England
2 months
elder brother
Henry Thomas Levy LOVELOCK
Birth: between January 1880 and March 1880 22 26Barnstaple RD, Barnstaple, Devon, England
Death: between April 1880 and June 1880Barnstaple RD, Barnstaple, Devon, England
3 years
elder brother
Stephen Henry LOVELOCK
Birth: between April 1882 and June 1882 24 28Bristol RD, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England
Death: between April 1900 and June 1900Canterbury RD, Canterbury, Kent, England
3 years

BirthGRO Index of Births

Bedminster RD, ref 5c 698

Christening'Lovelocks in Gloucestershire' data on main Lovelock website
DeathGRO Index of Deaths

West Ashford RD, ref 2a 414 (age 0)