Ruth Naomi LovelockAge: 21 months1903–1905
- Name
- Ruth Naomi Lovelock
- Given names
- Ruth Naomi
- Surname
- Lovelock
Birth | between April 1903 and June 1903 39 38 Text: Marlborough RD, ref 5a 88 |
Christening | June 21, 1903 Source: Broad Hinton Parish Register |
Death | January 1905 (Age 21 months) Text: Marlborough RD, ref 5a 57 (age 19 months) Source: Wiltshire Monumental Index |
Burial | January 5, 1905 (Age 21 months) Source: Broad Hinton Parish Register |
Family with parents |
father |
Birth: between April 1864 and June 1864 25 24 — Thornhill, Wiltshire, England Death: October 14, 1918 |
mother |
Birth: between January 1865 and March 1865 43 44 — Broad Hinton, Wiltshire, England Death: February 11, 1939 |
Marriage: between October 1889 and December 1889 — |
3 years elder sister |
Eleanor Betty Lovelock Birth: April 29, 1892 28 27 — Broad Hinton, Wiltshire, England Death: between July 1975 and September 1975 |
3 years elder brother |
Birth: January 20, 1895 30 30 — Broad Hinton, Wiltshire, England Death: May 31, 1916 |
3 years elder brother |
Birth: November 5, 1897 33 32 — Broad Hinton, Wiltshire, England Death: May 8, 1918 — Belgium |
6 years herself |
Birth | Free BMD Civil Registration index information for England and Wales. Text: Marlborough RD, ref 5a 88 |
Christening | Broad Hinton Parish Register |
Death | Free BMD Civil Registration index information for England and Wales. Text: Marlborough RD, ref 5a 57 (age 19 months) |
Death | Wiltshire Monumental Index |
Burial | Broad Hinton Parish Register |
Media object | Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 1,623 × 1,098 pixels File size: 816 KB Type: Photo |