Froyle (Hants)

William George LOVELOCKAge: 19 years18721892

William George LOVELOCK
Given names
William George
Birth August 6, 1872 28 28
Citation details: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 435
Quality of data: primary evidence
Christening June 25, 1873 (Age 10 months)
Birth of a brotherCharles LOVELOCK
March 12, 1876 (Age 3 years)

Lambeth RD, ref 1d 441 (registered in Apr-Jun quarter)

Quality of data: primary evidence
Christening of a brotherCharles LOVELOCK
May 21, 1876 (Age 3 years)
Birth of a brotherDaniel Englefield LOVELOCK
June 28, 1879 (Age 6 years)

Lambeth RD, ref 1d 448 (registered in Jul-Sep quarter)

Quality of data: primary evidence
Christening of a brotherDaniel Englefield LOVELOCK
July 27, 1879 (Age 6 years)
Census 1881 (Age 8 years)
Source: 1881 Census
Note: 14 Walter St, Lambeth, London, England
Census 1891 (Age 18 years)
Source: 1891 Census
Note: 37 Dawlish St, Lambeth, London, England
Death between April 1892 and June 1892 (Age 19 years)

Lambeth RD, ref 1d 260 (age 19)

Quality of data: primary evidence
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: February 12, 1866Froyle, Hampshire, England
14 months
elder sister
3 years
elder brother
3 years
William George LOVELOCK
Birth: August 6, 1872 28 28Lambeth, Surrey, England
Death: between April 1892 and June 1892Lambeth RD, Lambeth, Surrey, England
4 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother

BirthGRO Index of Births
Citation details: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 435
Quality of data: primary evidence
BirthLovelocks in Surrey data on main Lovelock website
ChristeningLovelocks in Surrey data on main Lovelock website
Census1881 Census
Census1891 Census
DeathGRO Index of Deaths

Lambeth RD, ref 1d 260 (age 19)

Quality of data: primary evidence

14 Walter St, Lambeth, London, England RG11 605 F56 P42

Daniel Lovelock;Head;36;Raily Porter;Froyle, Hants Louisa Lovelock;Wife;36;;Trayford, Sussex James Lovelock;Son;11;;Lambeth, Surrey William G Lovelock;Son;9;;Lambeth, Surrey, Imbecile from B (sic) Charles Lovelock;Son;5;;Lambeth, Surrey Daniel E Lovelock;Son;1;;Lambeth, Surrey


37 Dawlish St, Lambeth, London, England RG12 401 F56 P40

Daniel Lovelock;Head;48;Railway Porter;Froyle, Hants Louisa Lovelock;Wife;46;;Treyford, Sussex Harriet L Lovelock;Daur;24;Dressmaker;Lambeth, Surrey James Lovelock;Son;21;Solicitors Clerk;Lambeth, Surrey William G Lovelock;Son;18;;Lambeth, Surrey Charles Lovelock;Son;15;Railway Messenger;Lambeth, Surrey Daniel J (sic) Lovelock;Son;11;;Lambeth, Surrey