Benjamin LovelockAge: 83 years1790–1873
- Name
- Benjamin Lovelock
- Given names
- Benjamin
- Surname
- Lovelock
Birth | about 1790 25 23 Source: 1851Census |
Christening | December 5, 1790 Source: Worplesdon Parish Registers |
Birth of a brother | James Lovelock about 1792 (Age 2 years) |
Christening of a brother | James Lovelock December 16, 1792 (Age 2 years) Source: Worplesdon Parish Registers |
Birth of a brother | George Lovelock about 1794 (Age 4 years) |
Christening of a brother | George Lovelock January 5, 1795 (Age 5 years) |
Birth of a sister | Sarah Lovelock about 1797 (Age 7 years) |
Christening of a sister | Sarah Lovelock September 3, 1797 (Age 7 years) Source: Worplesdon Parish Registers |
Christening of a sister | Jenny Lovelock October 5, 1800 (Age 10 years) Source: Worplesdon Parish Registers |
Christening of a brother | John Lovelock March 20, 1803 (Age 13 years) Source: Worplesdon Parish Registers |
Christening of a sister | Mary Lovelock August 2, 1807 (Age 17 years) Source: Worplesdon Parish Registers |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Sarah Kichaside 1814 (Age 24 years) |
Burial of a paternal grandmother | Sarah Kichaside November 30, 1814 (Age 24 years) Text: Aged 71 |
Marriage | Mary (or Elizabeth) Smithers — View this family December 3, 1835 (Age 45 years) |
Death of a mother | Mary Luff January 13, 1836 (Age 46 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | Isaac Lovelock August 28, 1836 (Age 46 years) Source: Jill Fleming |
Birth of a son #2 | Elijah Lovelock October 2, 1838 (Age 48 years) Source: Jill Fleming Source: GRO Index of Births Citation details: Hambledon RD, ref 4 183 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Marriage of a parent | John Lovelock — Louisa Smithers — View this family July 1, 1839 (Age 49 years) |
Birth of a son #3 | Benjamin Lovelock February 3, 1841 (Age 51 years) Source: Jill Fleming Source: GRO Index of Births Text: Chertsey RD, ref 4 74 |
Census | 1841 (Age 51 years) Source: 1841 Census |
Birth of a son #4 | John Lovelock March 31, 1843 (Age 53 years) Source: Jill Fleming Source: GRO Index of Births Text: Chertsey RD, ref 4 72 (registered in Apr-Jun quarter) |
Birth of a son #5 | James Lovelock July 22, 1845 (Age 55 years) Source: Jill Fleming Source: GRO Index of Births Text: Chertsey RD, ref 4 82 |
Birth of a son #6 | Thomas Lovelock January 6, 1848 (Age 58 years) Source: Jill Fleming Source: GRO Index of Births Text: Chertsey RD, ref 4 95 |
Death of a father | John Lovelock January 1850 (Age 60 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Citation details: Guildford RD, ref 4 137 Quality of data: primary evidence Shared note: West Surrey FHS Burial Index gives age at burial as 84.
Burial of a father | John Lovelock January 11, 1850 (Age 60 years) |
Birth of a daughter #7 | Mary Lovelock February 24, 1850 (Age 60 years) Source: Jill Fleming Source: GRO Index of Births Text: Chertsey RD, ref 4 95 |
Census | 1851 (Age 61 years) Source: 1851Census |
Birth of a daughter #8 | Elizabeth Lovelock September 29, 1853 (Age 63 years) Source: Jill Fleming Source: GRO Index of Births Text: Chertsey RD, ref 2a 29 (registered in Oct-Dec quarter) |
Death of a brother | George Lovelock between July 1855 and September 1855 (Age 65 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Text: Farnborough RD, ref 2a 48 |
Burial of a brother | George Lovelock October 1, 1855 (Age 65 years) |
Death of a son | John Lovelock between October 1858 and December 1858 (Age 68 years) Source: Jill Fleming Source: GRO Index of Deaths Citation details: Chertsey RD, ref 2a 17 (age 15) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death of a sister | Sarah Lovelock 1860 (Age 70 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Text: Guildford RD, ref 2a 38 |
Burial of a sister | Sarah Lovelock June 9, 1860 (Age 70 years) Source: Data at the Findmypast website |
Census | 1861 (Age 71 years) Source: 1861Census |
Marriage of a child | Isaac Lovelock — Sarah Carter — View this family between July 1868 and September 1868 (Age 78 years) Source: GRO Index of Marriages Citation details: Chertsey RD, ref 2a 35 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Census | 1871 (Age 81 years) Source: 1871 Census |
Death | July 13, 1873 (Age 83 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Citation details: Chertsey RD, ref 2a 19 (age 82) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Burial | July 18, 1873 (5 days after death) |
Family with parents |
father |
John Lovelock Birth: between 1765 and 1766 28 22 — Stoke Next Guildford, Guildford, Surrey, England Death: January 1850 — Guildford RD, Surrey, England |
mother |
Mary Luff Birth: about 1767 Death: January 13, 1836 |
Marriage: October 25, 1789 — Worplesdon, Surrey, England |
14 months himself |
Benjamin Lovelock Birth: about 1790 25 23 — Worplesdon, Surrey, England Death: July 13, 1873 — Chertsey RD, Surrey, England |
3 years younger brother |
James Lovelock Birth: about 1792 27 25 Death: |
3 years younger brother |
George Lovelock Birth: about 1794 29 27 Death: between July 1855 and September 1855 |
4 years younger sister |
Sarah Lovelock Birth: about 1797 32 30 Death: 1860 |
4 years younger sister |
Jenny Lovelock Christening: October 5, 1800 35 33 — Worplesdon, Surrey, England Death: |
2 years younger brother |
John Lovelock Christening: March 20, 1803 38 36 — Worplesdon, Surrey, England Death: April 20, 1876 — Guildford RD, Surrey, England |
4 years younger sister |
Mary Lovelock Christening: August 2, 1807 42 40 — Worplesdon, Surrey, England Death: |
Father’s family with Louisa Smithers |
father |
John Lovelock Birth: between 1765 and 1766 28 22 — Stoke Next Guildford, Guildford, Surrey, England Death: January 1850 — Guildford RD, Surrey, England |
step-mother |
Louisa Smithers Birth: about 1809 Death: about January 1853 |
Marriage: July 1, 1839 — Shere, Surrey, England |
Family with Mary (or Elizabeth) Smithers |
himself |
Benjamin Lovelock Birth: about 1790 25 23 — Worplesdon, Surrey, England Death: July 13, 1873 — Chertsey RD, Surrey, England |
wife |
Mary (or Elizabeth) Smithers Birth: October 1809 — Esher, Surrey, England Death: between January 1886 and March 1886 — Reigate RD, Surrey, England |
Marriage: December 3, 1835 — Cobham, Surrey, England |
9 months son |
Isaac Lovelock Birth: August 28, 1836 46 26 — Leatherhead, Surrey, England Death: between April 1913 and June 1913 — Horsham RD, Surrey, England |
2 years son |
Elijah Lovelock Birth: October 2, 1838 48 29 — Bramley, Surrey, England Death: between July 1909 and August 1909 — Kingston RD, Surrey, England |
2 years son |
Benjamin Lovelock Birth: February 3, 1841 51 31 — Pyrford, Surrey, England Death: March 18, 1916 |
2 years son |
John Lovelock Birth: March 31, 1843 53 33 — Pyrford, Surrey, England Death: between October 1858 and December 1858 — Chertsey RD, Surrey, England |
2 years son |
James Lovelock Birth: July 22, 1845 55 35 — Pyrford, Surrey, England Death: November 5, 1918 — Reigate RD, Surrey, England |
3 years son |
Thomas Lovelock Birth: January 6, 1848 58 38 — Pyrford, Surrey, England Death: December 10, 1933 |
2 years daughter |
Mary Lovelock Birth: February 24, 1850 60 40 — Pyrford, Surrey, England Death: |
4 years daughter |
Elizabeth Lovelock Birth: September 29, 1853 63 43 — Byfleet, Surrey, England Death: June 24, 1930 |
Birth | 1851Census |
Christening | Worplesdon Parish Registers |
Marriage | Lovelocks in Surrey data on main Lovelock website |
Census | 1841 Census |
Census | 1851Census |
Census | 1861Census |
Census | 1871 Census |
Death | GRO Index of Deaths Citation details: Chertsey RD, ref 2a 19 (age 82) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death | Public Member Tree at |
Burial | Lovelocks in Surrey data on main Lovelock website |
Source | Graham Lovelock, Graham Lovelock gedcom file (Gedcom file provided 17-Aug-08) |
Census | Coldharbour, Pyrford, Surrey, England HO107 1074/6 F9 P12 Benjemin (sic) Lovelock;50;Farmer;Surrey Mary Lovelock;30;;Surrey Isaac Lovelock;4;Surrey Elijah Lovelock;2;;Surrey Benjemin (sic) Lovelock;4mos;Surrey |
Census | Pyrford, Surrey, England HO107 1593 F389 P10 Benjamin Lovelock; Head; 60; Farmer and Dealer; Worplesdon, Surrey Mary Lovelock; Wife; 41; Esher, Surrey Isaac Lovelock; Son; 14;; Leatherhead, Surrey Elijah Lovelock; Son; 12;; Bramley, Surrey Benjamin Lovelock; Son; 10;; Pyrford, Surrey James Lovelock; Son; 5;; Pyrford, Surrey Thomas Lovelock; Son; 3;; Pyrford, Surrey Mary Lovelock; Daur; (no age);; Pyrford, Surrey |
Census | Park Farm, Byfleet, Surrey, England RG9 422 F186 P5 Benjamin Lovelock; Head; 70; Farmer 135 acres, 6 men, 2 boys; Worplesdon, Surrey Mary Lovelock; Wife; 51;; Esher, Surrey Isaac Lovelock; Son; 24;; Leatherhead, Surrey Elijah Lovelock; Son; 23;; Bramley, Surrey Benjaman (sic) Lovelock; Son; 20;; Pyrford, Surrey James Lovelock; Son; 15;; Pyrford, Surrey Thomas Lovelock; Son; 13;; Pyrford, Surrey Mary Lovelock; Daur; 11;; Pyrford, Surrey Elizabeth Lovelock; Daur; 7;; Byfleet, Surrey |
Census | Park House Farm, Byfleet, Surrey, England RG10 805 F99 P15 Benjamin Lovelock; Head; 80; Farmer 124 acres, 6 men, 1 boy; Worplesdon, Surrey Mary Lovelock; Wife; 61;; Esher, Surrey Benjamin Lovelock; Son; 30;; Pyrford, Surrey James Lovelock; Son; 25;; Pyrford, Surrey Thomas Lovelock; Son; 23;; Pyrford, Surrey Mary Lovelock; Daur; 21;; Pyrford, Surrey Elizabeth Lovelock; Daur; 17;; Byfleet, Surrey |