William Joseph John BROGDENAge: 68 years1872–1940
- Name
- William Joseph John BROGDEN
- Given names
- William Joseph John
- Surname
Birth | 1872 |
Marriage | Minnie Sarah Parthenia LOVELOCK — View this family April 6, 1898 (Age 26 years) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Gladys BROGDEN between 1899 and 1900 (Age 27 years) Note: Gladys is mentioned on her parents' tombstone, with her date of death and age.
Death of a daughter | Gladys BROGDEN March 11, 1940 (Age 68 years) |
Death | September 18, 1940 (Age 68 years) |
Burial | September 20, 1940 (2 days after death) Cemetery: Kelvin Grove |
Family with Minnie Sarah Parthenia LOVELOCK |
himself |
William Joseph John BROGDEN Birth: 1872 Death: September 18, 1940 |
wife |
Minnie Sarah Parthenia LOVELOCK Birth: March 29, 1873 25 22 — Wellington, New Zealand Death: September 18, 1946 — Palmerston North, New Zealand |
Marriage: April 6, 1898 — Palmerston North, New Zealand |
3 years daughter |
Gladys BROGDEN Birth: between 1899 and 1900 27 25 Death: March 11, 1940 |
Birth | Sandra Hayes' on-line family tree at Geni.com |
Marriage | New Zealand Births, Marriages and Deaths compiled by Mary Pipe |
Marriage | Public Member Tree at ancestry.co.uk |
Death | Sandra Hayes' on-line family tree at Geni.com |
Death | Palmerston North City Council website |
Burial | Palmerston North City Council website |
Note | Graham Lovelock (NZ) Publication: Email correspondence Citation details: Message to Graham Lovelock June 2008 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Source | gedcom file from Graham Lovelock 20-Jun-08 Publication: Based on skeleton gedcom file produced fromy Kent Lovelocks descendant tree. The latter was derived from research by Gwen Eastment, with additions by Robert Sterry (in particular from Ancestral File) and a branch added by Graham Lovelock and Susan Bond, beginning with William Lovelock (1801-1879).
Source references and additional entries supplied by Graham Lovelock |
Shared note | Possibly marr William Joseph Brogden |