William CARRAge: 44 years1829–1873
- Name
- William CARR
- Given names
- William
- Surname
Birth | about 1829 |
Christening | March 7, 1829 Source: Findmypast website data |
Marriage | Avice LOVELOCK — View this family December 31, 1853 (Age 24 years) Source: GRO Index of Marriages Citation details: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 661 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Alice CARR between January 1854 and March 1854 (Age 25 years) Source: GRO Index of Births Citation details: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 394 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Birth of a son #2 | Frederick Charles CARR between July 1855 and September 1855 (Age 26 years) Source: GRO Index of Births Citation details: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 382 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Birth of a daughter #3 | Emma CARR between October 1859 and December 1859 (Age 30 years) Source: GRO Index of Births Citation details: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 449 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Census | 1861 (Age 32 years) Source: 1861 Census |
Birth of a daughter #4 | Louisa CARR between October 1862 and December 1862 (Age 33 years) Source: GRO Index of Births Citation details: Maidstone RD, ref 2a ___ Quality of data: primary evidence |
Birth of a daughter #5 | Sarah Frances CARR between January 1865 and March 1865 (Age 36 years) Source: GRO Index of Births Citation details: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 543 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death of a daughter | Emma CARR between October 1867 and December 1867 (Age 38 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Citation details: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 313 (age 7) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Birth of a daughter #6 | Ada CARR April 29, 1869 (Age 40 years) Source: GRO Index of Births Text: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 547 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Census | 1871 (Age 42 years) Source: 1871 Census |
Birth of a son #7 | Ernest Albert CARR January 9, 1872 (Age 43 years) Source: GRO Index of Births Citation details: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 609 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death | between April 1873 and June 1873 (Age 44 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Citation details: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 318 (age 41) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Family with Avice LOVELOCK |
himself |
William CARR Birth: about 1829 — East Barming, Kent, England Death: between April 1873 and June 1873 — Maidstone RD, Maidstone, Kent, England |
wife |
Avice LOVELOCK Birth: about 1833 26 28 — East Farleigh, Kent, England Death: between January 1877 and March 1877 |
Marriage: December 31, 1853 — Barming, Kent, England |
3 months daughter |
Alice CARR Birth: between January 1854 and March 1854 25 21 — East Barming, Kent, England Death: between July 1897 and September 1897 |
21 months son |
Frederick Charles CARR Birth: between July 1855 and September 1855 26 22 — East Barming, Kent, England Death: |
5 years daughter |
Emma CARR Birth: between October 1859 and December 1859 30 26 — East Barming, Kent, England Death: between October 1867 and December 1867 — Maidstone RD, Maidstone, Kent, England |
3 years daughter |
Louisa CARR Birth: between October 1862 and December 1862 33 29 — East Barming, Kent, England Death: |
3 years daughter |
Sarah Frances CARR Birth: between January 1865 and March 1865 36 32 — East Barming, Kent, England Death: |
4 years daughter |
Ada CARR Birth: April 29, 1869 40 36 — East Barming, Kent, England Death: between January 1953 and March 1953 |
3 years son |
Ernest Albert CARR Birth: January 9, 1872 43 39 — East Barming, Kent, England Death: between January 1947 and March 1947 |
William HYLAND + Avice LOVELOCK |
wife’s husband |
William HYLAND Birth: about 1830 — Barming, Kent, England Death: |
wife |
Avice LOVELOCK Birth: about 1833 26 28 — East Farleigh, Kent, England Death: between January 1877 and March 1877 |
Marriage: between October 1876 and December 1876 — |
6 months step-son |
Edward Richard Coppard HYLAND Birth: between January 1877 and March 1877 47 44 Death: between October 1877 and December 1877 |
Christening | Findmypast website data |
Marriage | GRO Index of Marriages Citation details: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 661 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Marriage | 'Lovelocks in Kent' data on main Lovelock website |
Census | 1861 Census |
Census | 1871 Census |
Death | GRO Index of Deaths Citation details: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 318 (age 41) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Source | gedcom file from Graham Lovelock 20-Jun-08 Publication: Based on skeleton gedcom file produced fromy Kent Lovelocks descendant tree. The latter was derived from research by Gwen Eastment, with additions by Robert Sterry (in particular from Ancestral File) and a branch added by Graham Lovelock and Susan Bond, beginning with William Lovelock (1801-1879).
Source references and additional entries supplied by Graham Lovelock |
Source | Gedcom file from Kent Lovelocks descendant tree Publication: Skeleton gedcom file produced 12-Jun-08 by James Loveluck from Kent Lovelocks descendant tree. The latter was derived from research by Gwen Eastment, with additions by Robert Sterry (in particular from Ancestral File) and a branch added by Graham Lovelock and Susan Bond, beginning with William Lovelock (1801-1879). |
Census | North St, East Barming, Kent, England RG9 498 F143 P18 William Carr;Head;29;Ag Lab;Barming, Kent Avis Carr;Wife;27;;East Farleigh, Kent Alice Carr;Daur;7;;Barming, Kent Frederick Charles Carr;Son;5;;Barming, Kent Emma Carr;Daur;1;;Barming, Kent |
Census | North St, East Barming, Kent, England RG10 939 F145/146 P10/11 William Carr;Head;40;Ag Lab;E Barming, Kent Avis Carr;Wife;38;;E Farleigh, Kent Alice Carr;17;Servant (domestic) Home ill;E Barming, Kent Frederick Ch (sic) Carr;16;Ag Lab;E Barming, Kent Louisa Carr;8;;E Barming, Kent Sarah F Carr;6;;E Barming, Kent Ada Carr;1;;E Barming, Kent |