Harriet Louisa LOVELOCKAge: 73 years1867–1940
- Name
- Harriet Louisa LOVELOCK
- Given names
- Harriet Louisa
- Surname
Birth | between January 1867 and March 1867 23 23 Source: GRO Index of Births Citation details: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 423 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Christening | April 21, 1867 (Age 3 months) |
Death of a paternal grandfather | James LOVELOCK between April 1869 and June 1869 (Age 2 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Citation details: Alton RD, ref 2c 97 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Burial of a paternal grandfather | James LOVELOCK April 11, 1869 (Age 2 years) Source: Froyle Parish Registers |
Birth of a brother | James LOVELOCK November 26, 1869 (Age 2 years) Source: GRO Index of Births Text: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 425 (registered in Jan-Mar 1870) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Christening of a brother | James LOVELOCK January 16, 1870 (Age 3 years) |
Census | 1871 (Age 4 years) Source: 1871 Census |
Birth of a brother | William George LOVELOCK August 6, 1872 (Age 5 years) Source: GRO Index of Births Citation details: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 435 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Christening of a brother | William George LOVELOCK June 25, 1873 (Age 6 years) |
Birth of a brother | Charles LOVELOCK March 12, 1876 (Age 9 years) Source: GRO Index of Births Text: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 441 (registered in Apr-Jun quarter) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Christening of a brother | Charles LOVELOCK May 21, 1876 (Age 9 years) |
Birth of a brother | Daniel Englefield LOVELOCK June 28, 1879 (Age 12 years) Source: GRO Index of Births Text: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 448 (registered in Jul-Sep quarter) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Christening of a brother | Daniel Englefield LOVELOCK July 27, 1879 (Age 12 years) |
Census | 1881 (Age 14 years) Source: 1881 Census |
Census | 1891 (Age 24 years) Source: 1891 Census |
Death of a brother | William George LOVELOCK between April 1892 and June 1892 (Age 25 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Text: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 260 (age 19) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death of a father | Daniel LOVELOCK between January 1893 and March 1893 (Age 26 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Citation details: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 308 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Marriage | Henry James BRADDICK — View this family July 2, 1893 (Age 26 years) Source: GRO Index of Marriages Citation details: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 711 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Birth of a son #1 | Henry James BRADDICK between July 1894 and September 1894 (Age 27 years) Source: GRO Index of Births Citation details: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 406 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Birth of a son #2 | Albert Arthur BRADDICK July 15, 1895 (Age 28 years) Source: GRO Index of Births Citation details: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 433 Quality of data: primary evidence Note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Birth of a son #3 | Ernest William BRADDICK between January 1897 and March 1897 (Age 30 years) Source: GRO Index of Births Citation details: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 428 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Census | 1901 (Age 34 years) Source: 1901 Census |
Death of a husband | Henry James BRADDICK between October 1905 and December 1905 (Age 38 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Citation details: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 229 (age 42) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Census | 1911 (Age 44 years) |
Death of a son | Henry James BRADDICK October 8, 1916 (Age 49 years) Note: Henry James is commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial in France.
Death of a son | Ernest William BRADDICK between October 1918 and December 1918 (Age 51 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Text: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 727 (age 21) |
Death of a mother | Louisa VARNES between October 1921 and December 1921 (Age 54 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Citation details: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 343 (age 76) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death | between July 1940 and September 1940 (Age 73 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Text: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 334 (age 73) |
Family with parents |
father |
Daniel LOVELOCK Birth: between October 1843 and December 1843 42 35 — Froyle, Hampshire, England Death: between January 1893 and March 1893 — Lambeth RD, Lambeth, Surrey, England |
mother |
Louisa VARNES Birth: between January 1844 and March 1844 — Treyford, Sussex, England Death: between October 1921 and December 1921 — Lambeth RD, Lambeth, Surrey, England |
Marriage: February 12, 1866 — Froyle, Hampshire, England |
14 months herself |
Harriet Louisa LOVELOCK Birth: between January 1867 and March 1867 23 23 — Lambeth, Surrey, England Death: between July 1940 and September 1940 |
3 years younger brother |
James LOVELOCK Birth: November 26, 1869 26 25 — Lambeth, Surrey, England Death: December 1953 |
3 years younger brother |
William George LOVELOCK Birth: August 6, 1872 28 28 — Lambeth, Surrey, England Death: between April 1892 and June 1892 — Lambeth RD, Lambeth, Surrey, England |
4 years younger brother |
Charles LOVELOCK Birth: March 12, 1876 32 32 — Lambeth, Surrey, England Death: between October 1952 and December 1952 |
3 years younger brother |
Daniel Englefield LOVELOCK Birth: June 28, 1879 35 35 — Lambeth, Surrey, England Death: between October 1949 and December 1949 |
Family with Henry James BRADDICK |
husband |
Henry James BRADDICK Birth: between January 1863 and March 1863 — Honiton, Devon, England Death: between October 1905 and December 1905 — Lambeth RD, Lambeth, Surrey, England |
herself |
Harriet Louisa LOVELOCK Birth: between January 1867 and March 1867 23 23 — Lambeth, Surrey, England Death: between July 1940 and September 1940 |
Marriage: July 2, 1893 — St Barnabas, Lambeth, London, England |
15 months son |
Henry James BRADDICK Birth: between July 1894 and September 1894 31 27 — Lambeth RD, Lambeth, Surrey, England Death: October 8, 1916 |
1 year son |
Albert Arthur BRADDICK Birth: July 15, 1895 32 28 — Lambeth RD, Lambeth, Surrey, England Death: between October 1974 and December 1974 |
21 months son |
Ernest William BRADDICK Birth: between January 1897 and March 1897 34 30 — Lambeth RD, Lambeth, Surrey, England Death: between October 1918 and December 1918 |
Birth | GRO Index of Births Citation details: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 423 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Christening | Lovelocks in Surrey data on main Lovelock website |
Census | 1871 Census |
Census | 1881 Census |
Census | 1891 Census |
Marriage | GRO Index of Marriages Citation details: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 711 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Marriage | Lovelocks in Surrey data on main Lovelock website |
Census | 1901 Census |
Death | GRO Index of Deaths Text: Lambeth RD, ref 1d 334 (age 73) |
Census | 6 Winkfield Ter (sic), Lambeth, London, England RG10 673 F9 P10 Daniel Lovelock;Head;26;Railway Porter;Alton, Hants Louisa Lovelock;Wife;26;;Tryford, Sussex Louisa Lovelock;Daur;4;;Lambeth, Surrey James Lovelock;Son;2;;Lambeth, Surrey |
Census | 423 Wandsworth Rd, Clapham, London, England RG11 633 F32 P6 Edward U Whitney;Head;35;Printer's Manager;Westminster, Middx Florence Whitney;Wife;22;;S Lambeth, Surrey Cyril U Whitney;Son;7mos;Clapham, Surrey Keziah Fickling;Serv;18;General Servant;Sabam Toney, Norfolk Harriett L Lovelock;Serv;14;Nursemaid;S Lambeth, Surrey |
Census | 37 Dawlish St, Lambeth, London, England RG12 401 F56 P40 Daniel Lovelock;Head;48;Railway Porter;Froyle, Hants Louisa Lovelock;Wife;46;;Treyford, Sussex Harriet L Lovelock;Daur;24;Dressmaker;Lambeth, Surrey James Lovelock;Son;21;Solicitors Clerk;Lambeth, Surrey William G Lovelock;Son;18;;Lambeth, Surrey Charles Lovelock;Son;15;Railway Messenger;Lambeth, Surrey Daniel J (sic) Lovelock;Son;11;;Lambeth, Surrey |
Census | 41 Dawlish St, Lambeth, London, England RG13 416 F128 P22 Henry J Braddick;Head;38;Railway Horsekeeper;Honiton, Devon Harriett L Braddick;Wife;34;;Lambeth, London Henry J Braddick;Son;6;;Lambeth, London Albert A Braddick;Son;5;;Lambeth, London Ernest W Braddick;Son;4;;Lambeth, London Annie Braddick;Niece;7;;Lambeth, London Mary E Braddick;Mother, Wid;69;;Honiton, Devon |
Census | 37 Dawlish St, Lambeth, London, England RG14 PN2016 RG78 PN71 RD25 SD3 ED10 SN280 Louisa Lovelock;Head, Widow;67;;Treyford, Sussex Daniel Lovelock;Son;31;Postman S W D O;South Lambeth, London Louisa Braddick;Daur, Widow;44;;South Lambeth, London Henery (sic) Braddick;Grand son;16;Builders Clerk;South Lambeth, London Albert Braddick;Grand son;15;Telegraph Messenger;South Lambeth, London Ernest Braddick;Grand son;14;Wheelwright's Apprentice;South Lambeth, London |