Charity PEARCEAge: 82 years1864–1947
- Name
- Charity PEARCE
- Given names
- Charity
- Surname
Birth | July 5, 1864 27 25 Source: GRO Index of Births Citation details: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 488 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Birth of a sister | Sarah Eliza PEARCE between January 1866 and March 1866 (Age 17 months) Source: GRO Index of Births Citation details: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 552 Quality of data: primary evidence Note: The 1939 Register gives the date of birth as 20 Dec 1866 but there is no corresponding GRO Birth entry.
Birth of a sister | Charlotte PEARCE between January 1868 and March 1868 (Age 3 years) Text: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 607 |
Death of a sister | Charlotte PEARCE between January 1868 and March 1868 (Age 3 years) Text: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 324 (age 0) |
Birth of a brother | George Edward PEARCE June 26, 1869 (Age 4 years) Source: GRO Index of Births Text: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 571 (registered in Jul-Sep quarter) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Birth of a sister | Harriet Frances PEARCE May 17, 1871 (Age 6 years) Source: GRO Index of Births Citation details: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 572 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Diana DUNMILL between July 1871 and September 1871 (Age 6 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Text: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 319 (age 66) (registered as Diania in Oct-Dec quarter) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Burial of a maternal grandmother | Diana DUNMILL October 1, 1871 (Age 7 years) Text: Buried as Dinah Lovelock, aged 66) |
Census | 1871 (Age 6 years) Source: 1871 Census |
Birth of a sister | Alice PEARCE between January 1873 and March 1873 (Age 8 years) Text: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 617 |
Death of a sister | Alice PEARCE between January 1873 and March 1873 (Age 8 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Text: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 364 (age 0) |
Birth of a brother | Amos PEARCE February 25, 1874 (Age 9 years) Source: GRO Index of Births Citation details: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 624 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Birth of a brother | Charles Richard PEARCE between October 1876 and December 1876 (Age 12 years) Text: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 644 |
Death of a brother | Charles Richard PEARCE between April 1877 and June 1877 (Age 12 years) Text: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 357 (age 0) |
Birth of a sister | Emily Mary PEARCE between July 1879 and September 1879 (Age 14 years) Source: GRO Index of Births Citation details: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 666 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Census | 1881 (Age 16 years) Source: 1881 Census |
Marriage | George William CHAMBERS — View this family between July 1882 and September 1882 (Age 17 years) Source: GRO Index of Marriages Citation details: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 1031 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Levi LOVELOCK between April 1889 and May 1889 (Age 24 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Text: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 364 (age 83) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Burial of a maternal grandfather | Levi LOVELOCK May 29, 1889 (Age 24 years) |
Death of a brother | Arthur William Pearce LOVELOCK between April 1907 and June 1907 (Age 42 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Text: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 483 (age 48) (registered as Arthur William Pearce) |
Death of a mother | Harriet LOVELOCK between January 1926 and March 1926 (Age 61 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Text: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 1119 (age 86) |
Death of a sister | Dorcas Pearce LOVELOCK between April 1944 and June 1944 (Age 79 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Text: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 1319 (age 84) |
Death | between July 1947 and September 1947 (Age 82 years) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Text: Sittingbourne RD, ref 5b 559 (age 83) |
Family with parents |
father |
Charles PEARCE Birth: between 1837 and 1838 — East Barming, Kent, England Death: |
mother |
Harriet LOVELOCK Birth: between July 1839 and September 1839 33 34 — East Farleigh, Kent, England Death: between January 1926 and March 1926 |
Marriage: between July 1861 and September 1861 — Maidstone RD, Maidstone, Kent, England |
-3 years elder brother |
Arthur William Pearce LOVELOCK Birth: between October 1858 and November 1858 21 19 — East Barming, Kent, England Death: between April 1907 and June 1907 |
3 years elder sister |
Dorcas Pearce LOVELOCK Birth: between January 1861 and March 1861 24 21 — East Barming, Kent, England Death: between April 1944 and June 1944 |
2 years elder brother |
Levi PEARCE Birth: between January 1863 and March 1863 26 23 Death: between April 1864 and June 1864 |
18 months herself |
Charity PEARCE Birth: July 5, 1864 27 25 — East Barming, Kent, England Death: between July 1947 and September 1947 |
21 months younger sister |
Sarah Eliza PEARCE Birth: between January 1866 and March 1866 29 26 — East Barming, Kent, England Death: between July 1950 and September 1950 |
2 years younger sister |
Charlotte PEARCE Birth: between January 1868 and March 1868 31 28 Death: between January 1868 and March 1868 |
18 months younger brother |
George Edward PEARCE Birth: June 26, 1869 32 29 — East Barming, Kent, England Death: between January 1956 and March 1956 |
23 months younger sister |
Harriet Frances PEARCE Birth: May 17, 1871 34 31 — East Barming, Kent, England Death: between July 1958 and September 1958 |
22 months younger sister |
Alice PEARCE Birth: between January 1873 and March 1873 36 33 Death: between January 1873 and March 1873 |
14 months younger brother |
Amos PEARCE Birth: February 25, 1874 37 34 — East Barming, Kent, England Death: between October 1965 and December 1965 |
3 years younger brother |
Charles Richard PEARCE Birth: between October 1876 and December 1876 39 37 Death: between April 1877 and June 1877 |
3 years younger sister |
Emily Mary PEARCE Birth: between July 1879 and September 1879 42 40 — East Barming, Kent, England Death: |
Family with George William CHAMBERS |
husband |
George William CHAMBERS Birth: between July 1859 and September 1859 — East Peckham, Kent, England Death: |
herself |
Charity PEARCE Birth: July 5, 1864 27 25 — East Barming, Kent, England Death: between July 1947 and September 1947 |
Marriage: between July 1882 and September 1882 — Maidstone RD, Maidstone, Kent, England |
Birth | GRO Index of Births Citation details: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 488 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Birth | 1939 Register at Find my past website |
Census | 1871 Census |
Census | 1881 Census |
Marriage | GRO Index of Marriages Citation details: Maidstone RD, ref 2a 1031 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death | GRO Index of Deaths Text: Sittingbourne RD, ref 5b 559 (age 83) |
Source | gedcom file from Graham Lovelock 20-Jun-08 Publication: Based on skeleton gedcom file produced fromy Kent Lovelocks descendant tree. The latter was derived from research by Gwen Eastment, with additions by Robert Sterry (in particular from Ancestral File) and a branch added by Graham Lovelock and Susan Bond, beginning with William Lovelock (1801-1879).
Source references and additional entries supplied by Graham Lovelock |
Source | Gedcom file from Kent Lovelocks descendant tree Publication: Skeleton gedcom file produced 12-Jun-08 by James Loveluck from Kent Lovelocks descendant tree. The latter was derived from research by Gwen Eastment, with additions by Robert Sterry (in particular from Ancestral File) and a branch added by Graham Lovelock and Susan Bond, beginning with William Lovelock (1801-1879). |
Census | Upper Barracks, North St, East Barming, Kent, England RG10 939 F146 P12 Charles Pearce;Head;33;Ag Lab;East Barming, Kent Harriet Pearce;Wife;31;;East Farleigh, Kent Arthur Pearce;Son;12;Ag Lab;East Barming, Kent Dorcas Pearce;Daur;10;;East Barming, Kent Charity Pearce;Daur;5;;East Barming, Kent Sarah Pearce;Daur;4;;East Barming, Kent George Pearce;Son;1;;East Barming, Kent |
Census | Upr (sic) Barracks, Barming, Kent, England RG11 926 F146 P16 Charles Pearce;Head;43;Ag Lab;Barming, Kent Harriet Pearce;Wife;42;;East Farleigh, Kent Charity Pearce;Daur;17;;Barming, Kent Sarah Pearce;Daur;15;;Barming, Kent Geo (sic) E Pearce;Son;11;;Barming, Kent Harriet F Pearce;Daur;9;;Barming, Kent Amos Pearce;Son;7;;Barming, Kent Emily M Pearce;Daur;1;;Barming, Kent |