Froyle (Hants)

Agnes LUNNAge: 54 years18641919

Agnes LUNN
Given names
Birth September 1864 39 30
Citation details: Alton RD, ref 2c 149
Quality of data: primary evidence
Birth of a brotherFrederick LUNN
between October 1868 and December 1868 (Age 4 years)
Citation details: Alton RD, ref 2c 156
Quality of data: primary evidence
Death of a maternal grandfatherJames LOVELOCK
between April 1869 and June 1869 (Age 4 years)
Citation details: Alton RD, ref 2c 97
Quality of data: primary evidence
Burial of a maternal grandfatherJames LOVELOCK
April 11, 1869 (Age 4 years)
Census 1871 (Age 6 years)

Source: 1871 Census
Note: Main Rd, Froyle, Hampshire, England
Census 1881 (Age 16 years)

Source: 1881 Census
Note: Froyle, Hampshire, England
Death of a sisterBridget LUNN
between July 1883 and September 1883 (Age 18 years)
Citation details: Alton RD, ref 2c 96 (age 30)
Quality of data: primary evidence
Death of a fatherStephen LUNN
between October 1895 and December 1895 (Age 31 years)
Citation details: Alton RD, ref 2c 109 (age 70)
Quality of data: primary evidence
Death of a brotherDaniel LUNN
between April 1908 and June 1908 (Age 43 years)
Citation details: Alton RD, ref 2c 98 (age 51)
Quality of data: primary evidence
Death of a motherAnne LOVELOCK
between October 1910 and December 1910 (Age 46 years)
Citation details: Alton RD, ref 2c 117 (age 76)
Quality of data: primary evidence
Death between July 1919 and September 1919 (Age 54 years)


Guildford RD, ref 2a 111 (age 54) (registered in married name of Hooke)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: March 11, 1854Froyle, Hampshire, England
7 months
elder sister
Bridget LUNN
Birth: between July 1854 and September 1854 29 20Froyle, Hampshire, England
Death: between July 1883 and September 1883Alton RD, Alton, Hampshire, England
18 months
elder sister
Harriett LUNN
Birth: between October 1855 and December 1855 30 21Froyle, Hampshire, England
21 months
elder brother
Daniel LUNN
Birth: between April 1857 and June 1857 32 23Froyle, Hampshire, England
Death: between April 1908 and June 1908Alton RD, Alton, Hampshire, England
3 years
elder brother
5 years
Agnes LUNN
Birth: September 1864 39 30Froyle, Hampshire, England
Death: between July 1919 and September 1919
4 years
younger brother
Frederick LUNN
Birth: between October 1868 and December 1868 43 34Froyle, Hampshire, England
Death: between July 1938 and September 1938

BirthGRO Index of Births
Citation details: Alton RD, ref 2c 149
Quality of data: primary evidence
Census1871 Census
Census1881 Census
DeathGRO Index of Deaths

Guildford RD, ref 2a 111 (age 54) (registered in married name of Hooke)


Main Rd, Froyle, Hampshire, England RG10 1228 F11 P13

Stephen Lunn;Head;45;Ag Labourer;Froyle, Hants Ann Lunn;Wife;34;;Froyle, Hants Bridget Lunn;Daur;16;;Froyle, Hants Daniel Lunn;Son;14;;Froyle, Hants George Lunn;Son;11;;Froyle, Hants Agnes Lunn;Daur;7;;Froyle, Hants Frederick Lunn;Son;2;;Froyle, Hants


Froyle, Hampshire, England RG11 1248 F10 P13

Steven Lunn;Head;55;Ag Lab;Crondall, Hants Ann Lunn;Wife;45;;Froyle, Hants Daniel Lunn;Son;25;;Ag Lab;Froyle, Hants George Lunn;Son;20;Blacksmith;Froyle, Hants Agnes Lunn;Daur;16;Servant;Froyle, Hants Fred Lunn;Son;12;;Froyle, Hants