Henry LovelockAge: 73 years1816–1889
- Name
- Henry Lovelock
- Given names
- Henry
- Surname
- Lovelock
Birth | about 1816 Source: 1851 England Census |
Christening | January 1, 1816 Source: Oxfordshire PR Text: 1816 Jan 1 Henry s. James Lovelock & Sarah, butcher |
Birth of a brother | Frederick Lovelock about 1817 (Age 12 months) |
Christening of a brother | Frederick Lovelock March 30, 1817 (Age 14 months) Source: Oxfordshire PR Text: 1817 Mar 30 Frederic s. James Lovelock & Sarah, butcher |
Death of a paternal grandfather | John Lovelock August 5, 1817 (Age 19 months) Source: MI Text: MI reads: "In memory of John Lovelock who died 5 August 1817 aged 77 years also his Wife Mary who died June 6th 1804 aged 50". |
Burial of a paternal grandfather | John Lovelock August 18, 1817 (Age 19 months) Source: Letter from John Talbot 8.11.00 Publication: John Talbot responded to a letter John Lovelock put in the Wallingford Herald. John provided a Family Tree but no other information. Text: Also Wallingford MIs, Oxon FHS. Plot M34. In memory of John Lovelock who died Aug 5th 1817 aged 77 Yrs Also Mary his Wife died June 6th 1804 Aged 50 Yrs. Wallingford PR: 1817 Aug 18 LOVELOCK John 77 yrs Fish St of this parish |
Census | 1841 (Age 25 years) |
Occupation | Butcher 1841 (Age 25 years) Source: 1841 England Census Text: Appears in 1841 census aged 25, butcher living at Shirburn St, Watlington with brother George 25 and sister Sarah aged 30. |
Census | 1851 (Age 35 years) |
Occupation | Farm Assistant 1851 (Age 35 years) Source: 1851 England Census Text: Farm assistant on father's farm |
Death of a mother | Sarah Wright 1853 (Age 37 years) |
Burial of a mother | Sarah Wright December 25, 1853 (Age 37 years) Source: Oxfordshire PR Text: Stoke Talmage Burials 1853 Dec 25 Sarah Lovelock, 69 |
Census | 1861 (Age 45 years) |
Death of a father | James Lovelock January 22, 1864 (Age 48 years) Source: Will Source: National Probate Calendar Text: 1864 James Lovelock of Stoke Talmage Oxon Farmer died 22 Jan 1864. Executors Frederick Lovelock of Watlington Oxon, Innkeeper and George Baylis of Sonning Berks, Farmer. |
Burial of a father | James Lovelock January 28, 1864 (Age 48 years) Source: Oxfordshire PR Text: Stoke Talmage Burials 1864 Jan 28 James Lovelock, 79 |
Death of a brother | Frederick Lovelock October 18, 1869 (Age 53 years) Source: National Probate Calendar Text: 1869 Frederick Lovelock of Watlington Oxon Innkeeper died 18 October 1869. Proved 16 Dec 1869 Charles Lovelock, Watlington, Draper. Effects under 2000 pounds. |
Burial of a brother | Frederick Lovelock October 21, 1869 (Age 53 years) Source: Letter from John Talbot 8.11.00 Publication: John Talbot responded to a letter John Lovelock put in the Wallingford Herald. John provided a Family Tree but no other information. |
Census | 1871 (Age 55 years) |
Burial of a sister | Elizabeth Lovelock September 23, 1876 (Age 60 years) Source: John Lovelock Publication: A Tale of Five Brothers - Update July 2005 Text: Buried with her parents James and Sarah and brother Henry. |
Census | 1881 (Age 65 years) |
Occupation | Dealer 1889 (Age 73 years) |
Death | May 9, 1889 (Age 73 years) Source: John Lovelock Publication: A Tale of Five Brothers - Update July 2005 Citation details: Email 23.8.01 Text: Death Admin gives exact date of death. Source: National Probate Calendar Text: 1889 Henry Lovelock Proved 6 June Personal Estate 54 pounds 15s 4d. Late of Chalgrove Oxford, Dealer, a Bachelor, died 9 May 1889 at Chalgrove was granted at Oxford to George Lovelock of Bell Street Henley-on-Thames in th said County, Butcher, the Brother. |
Burial | May 13, 1889 (4 days after death) Source: Oxfordshire PR Text: 1889 May 13 Henry Lovelock, 73, Chalgrove, late of this parish |
Family with parents |
father |
James Lovelock Birth: about 1785 — Wallingford, Berkshire, England Death: January 22, 1864 — Stoke Talmage, Oxfordshire, England |
mother |
Sarah Wright Birth: about 1784 — Watlington, Oxfordshire, England Death: 1853 |
Marriage: March 15, 1808 — Watlington, Oxfordshire, England |
4 years elder sister |
Sarah Lovelock Birth: about 1811 Death: between July 1890 and September 1890 — Registration District, Wokingham, Berkshire, England |
2 years elder sister |
Elizabeth Lovelock Birth: about 1812 — Watlington, Oxfordshire, England Death: Chalgrove, Oxfordshire, England |
3 years elder brother |
George Lovelock Birth: about 1814 — Watlington, Oxfordshire, England Death: September 11, 1895 — Northfield End, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, England |
3 years himself |
Henry Lovelock Birth: about 1816 — Watlington, Oxfordshire, England Death: May 9, 1889 — Chalgrove, Oxfordshire, England |
2 years younger brother |
Frederick Lovelock Birth: about 1817 — Watlington, Oxfordshire, England Death: October 18, 1869 — Watlington, Oxfordshire, England |
Birth | 1851 England Census |
Christening | Oxfordshire PR Text: 1816 Jan 1 Henry s. James Lovelock & Sarah, butcher |
Occupation | 1841 England Census Text: Appears in 1841 census aged 25, butcher living at Shirburn St, Watlington with brother George 25 and sister Sarah aged 30. |
Occupation | 1851 England Census Text: Farm assistant on father's farm |
Occupation | Letter of Administration after death |
Death | John Lovelock Publication: A Tale of Five Brothers - Update July 2005 Citation details: Email 23.8.01 Text: Death Admin gives exact date of death. |
Death | National Probate Calendar Text: 1889 Henry Lovelock Proved 6 June Personal Estate 54 pounds 15s 4d. Late of Chalgrove Oxford, Dealer, a Bachelor, died 9 May 1889 at Chalgrove was granted at Oxford to George Lovelock of Bell Street Henley-on-Thames in th said County, Butcher, the Brother. |
Burial | Oxfordshire PR Text: 1889 May 13 Henry Lovelock, 73, Chalgrove, late of this parish |
Census | Shirburn St, Watlington, Oxfordshire, England HO107 884/6 F17 P26 George Lovelock;25;Butcher;Oxon Henry Lovelock;25;Butcher;Oxon Sarah Lovelock;30;;Oxon Ann Whiting;50;;Oxon |
Census | Stoke Talmage, Oxfordshire, England HO107 1726 F89 P1 James Lovelock;Head;66;Farmer 200 acres 8 Labourers;Wallingford, Berks Sarah Lovelock;Wife;66;;Watlington, Oxon Henry Lovelock;Son;30;Employed on Farm;Watlington, Oxon George Lovelock;Gd-son;4;;Watlington, Oxon Edna Mile (?);Serv;26; ...(?);Barton, Oxon |
Census | Farm House, Stoke Talmage, Oxfordshire, England RG9 885 F90 P8 James Lovelock;Head;76;Farmer of 200 acres employing 5 men and 3 boys;Wallingford, Berks Henry Lovelock;Son;45;Farmers son;Watlington, Oxon Elizabeth Gibbons;Daur;49;Housekeeper;Watlington, Oxon Matilda Cateret;Serv;20;Housemaid;Clare, Oxon |
Census | 21 Back St, Tetsworth, Oxfordshire, England RG10 1430 F77 P14 Henry Lovelock;Head;50;Retired Farmer;Watlington, Oxon Henry Gibbons;Bro in law;57;Coachman (formerly);Warborough, Oxon Elizabeth Gibbons;Sister;55;Housekeeper (to brother);Watlington, Oxon |
Census | Chalgrove, Oxfordshire, England RG11 1492 F5 P2 Henry Lovelock;Head;64;Annuitant;Watlington, Oxon Henry Gibbons;Bro in law (Wid);70;Annuitant;Warborough, Oxon |
Shared note | Not married. In 1841 census Henley Registration District (HO107/884/6: Folio 17: Watlington) Address: Shirburn St Surname Forenames Age Occupation Born in County LOVELOCK George 25 Butcher Y LOVELOCK Henry 25 Butcher Y LOVELOCK Sarah 30 Y WHITING Ann 50 FS Y Mentioned in his father's Will dated 1860 and proved 1864. Mentioned in his brother Frederick's Will. Henry was then (in 1869) a Yeoman living at Tetsbury, Oxfordshire. In 1871 census living at 21 Back St, Tetsworth, Oxon. Henry Lovelock is unmarried, 50, retired farmer, born Watlington. Living with him is Henry Gibbons, brother in law, aged 57, Coachman (formerly) Warborough, Oxon and his sister Elizabeth Gibbons, aged 55, Housekeeper to Brother, born Watlington. Appears in 1876 Oxfordshire Directory in Chalgrove, Oxfordshire [Harrod's Royal Court Directory, Oxon] Also in 1877 Oxon Kelly's Directory for Chalgrove. Appears in 1881 census living with his brother in law: Dwelling: Private House Census Place: Chalgrove, Oxford, England Henry LOVELOCK U 66 Watlington, Oxford, England Rel: Head Occ: Annuitant Henry GIBBONS W 70 Warborough, Oxford, England Rel: Brother In Law Occ: Annuitant Admin granted 6 June 1889. Personal Estate valued at 54 pounds 15 shillings and 4 pence. Henry Lovelock died at Chalgrove, Oxon and died intestate 9 May 1889. He was a bachelor without parent. Admin was granted to his brother George Lovelock of Bell St, Henley on Thames, Oxon, Butcher. |