Wallingford Berks Line

John LovelockAge: 77 years17401817

John Lovelock
Given names
Birth about 1740

Source: MI
MarriageMary WhitwickView this family
November 15, 1779 (Age 39 years)
Publication: John Talbot responded to a letter John Lovelock put in the Wallingford Herald. John provided a Family Tree but no other information.

John Lovelock, malster and Mary Whitwick, spinster, Crowmarsh Gifford. By licence. 15.11.1779. St Leonards. Wit: Thomas Thorn, Barnard North, clerk

Note: Letter from John Talbot 8.11.00, John Lovelock, malster and Mary Whitwick, spinster, Crowmarsh Gifford. By licence. 15.11.1779. Wallingford, St Leonards. Wit: Thomas Thorn, Barnard North, clerk.

Wallingford, St Leonard Marriages 1779 Nov 15 John Lovelock and Mary Whitwick from Crowmarsh

Source: FindMyPast

The transcription on the Findmypast website is attributed to the Berkshire FHS and reads: John Lovelock Maltster of this parish and Mary Whitwick Spinster of Crowmarsh Gyfford, Oxon on 18 Nov 1779 at St Leonard, Wallingford by Licence. Both made their marks and the witnesses were Thomas Thorn and Barnard North. The officiating minister was John Scoolt, Rector.

Birth of a daughter
Elizabeth Lovelock
about 1780 (Age 40 years)
Birth of a daughter
Hannah Lovelock
December 4, 1781 (Age 41 years)

Christening of a daughterHannah Lovelock
December 26, 1781 (Age 41 years)

Wallingford St Leonards Baptism [Transcript by Oxfordshire FHS. Checked by John Lovelock.] 1781 Dec 26 Hannah d of John and Mary

Birth of a son
John Lovelock
about 1783 (Age 43 years)
Christening of a sonJohn Lovelock
April 28, 1783 (Age 43 years)
Source: Berkshire PRs

Wallingford Baptisms 1783 Apr 28 LOVELOCK John s. John and Mary

Birth of a son
James Lovelock
about 1785 (Age 45 years)
Christening of a sonJames Lovelock
January 19, 1785 (Age 45 years)

Wallingford St Mary Baptism 1785 Jan 19 LOVELOCK James s. John and Mary

Birth of a son
William George Lovelock
March 1, 1786 (Age 46 years)

Christening of a sonWilliam George Lovelock
June 21, 1786 (Age 46 years)
Source: Berkshire PRs

1786 Jun 21 LOVELOCK Willm s. John and Mary

Birth of a son
Thomas Lovelock
about 1788 (Age 48 years)

Christening of a sonThomas Lovelock
March 10, 1788 (Age 48 years)
Source: Berkshire PRs

Wallingford St Mary 1788 Mar 10 LOVELOCK Thomas s. John and Mary

Birth of a daughter
Mary Maria Lovelock
about 1790 (Age 50 years)

Birth of a son
Stephen Lovelock
about 1791 (Age 51 years)

Birth of a son
Job Lovelock
about 1793 (Age 53 years)
Victualler, 'Mermaid Inn'
between 1784 and 1798 (Age 44 years)

Citation details: Wallingford

Lovelock, John, Victualler (Mermaid)

Christening of a sonStephen Lovelock
October 26, 1791 (Age 51 years)
Source: Berkshire PRs

1791 Oct 26 LOVELOCK Stephen s. John and Mary

Christening of a sonJob Lovelock
May 29, 1793 (Age 53 years)
Source: Berkshire PRs

1793 May 29 LOVELOCK Job s. John and Mary

Marriage of a childNathaniel ReadingsHannah LovelockView this family
August 19, 1799 (Age 59 years)
Citation details: PR Transcript

1799 Aug 19 Nathanial Readings of this parish & Hannah Lovelock of this parish. Wit: Richard Eggleton, Elizabeth Lovelock, John Lovelock

Marriage of a childJames DearloveElizabeth LovelockView this family
June 28, 1802 (Age 62 years)
Publication: John Talbot responded to a letter John Lovelock put in the Wallingford Herald. John provided a Family Tree but no other information.

Wallingford St Mary le More Marriages [Modern Transcript] 1802 Jun 28 DEARLOVE James of this parish and LOVELOCK Elizabeth of this parish by banns. Wit: Mary LOVELOCK, Catherine Dearlove, James X Dafter

Shared note: Oxon FHS Search Service was unable to locate any more children of this marriage. The gap between births/baptisms is unusual.
Death of a wifeMary Whitwick
June 6, 1804 (Age 64 years)


Plot M34 In memory of JOHN LOVELOCK who died Aug 5th 1817 aged 77 yrs Also Mary his Wife died June 6th Aged 50 Yrs.

Burial of a wifeMary Whitwick
June 6, 1804 (Age 64 years)
Publication: John Talbot responded to a letter John Lovelock put in the Wallingford Herald. John provided a Family Tree but no other information.

MI Wallingford Plot M34. In memory of John Lovelock who died Aug 5th 1817 aged 77 Yrs Also Mary his Wife died June 6th Aged 50 Yrs. PR Wallingford: 1804 Jun 6 LOVELOCK Mrs Mary


Wallingford St Mary Le More Burials [Modern Transcript] 1804 Jun 6 LOVELOCK Mrs Mary

Marriage of a childJohn LovelockMartha SellwoodView this family
November 19, 1804 (Age 64 years)

Drayton Marriages 1804 Nov 19 John Lovelock and Martha Sellwood

Shared note: 1841 census
Marriage of a childJames LovelockSarah WrightView this family
March 15, 1808 (Age 68 years)
Citation details: Modern Transcript

Watlington Marriage 1808 Mar 15 James Lovelock, bachelor, Licence and Sarah Wright. Witnesses: John Pitkin and Ann Pitkin

Marriage of a childWilliam George LovelockKitty CherrilView this family
September 24, 1810 (Age 70 years)

1810 Sep 24 William Lovelock, St Mary Wallingford and Kitty Cherrill, Dorchester. By Licence. Witnesses: Vincent Cherrill, Mary Lovelock

Marriage of a childStephen LovelockAlice AshleyView this family
January 27, 1812 (Age 72 years)
Source: Abingdon PRs

Abingdon, St Helen Marriages 1812 Jan 27 Stephen Lovelock & Alice Ashley

Marriage of a childGeorge LeachMary Maria LovelockView this family
April 8, 1814 (Age 74 years)
Publication: John Talbot responded to a letter John Lovelock put in the Wallingford Herald. John provided a Family Tree but no other information.

both of this parish. Wit: Mary Alsop, William Lovelock


1814 Apr 8 George Leach of this parish and Mary Lovelock of this parish, witnesses Mary Allsop and Wm Lovelock, by Banns

Shared note: 1841 Census
Death August 5, 1817 (Age 77 years)

Source: MI

MI reads: "In memory of John Lovelock who died 5 August 1817 aged 77 years also his Wife Mary who died June 6th 1804 aged 50".

Burial August 18, 1817 (13 days after death)
Publication: John Talbot responded to a letter John Lovelock put in the Wallingford Herald. John provided a Family Tree but no other information.

Also Wallingford MIs, Oxon FHS. Plot M34. In memory of John Lovelock who died Aug 5th 1817 aged 77 Yrs Also Mary his Wife died June 6th 1804 Aged 50 Yrs. Wallingford PR: 1817 Aug 18 LOVELOCK John 77 yrs Fish St of this parish

Family with parents - View this family
Family with Mary Whitwick - View this family
Marriage: November 15, 1779St Leonards, Wallingford, Berkshire, England
14 months
23 months
2 years
3 years
14 months
3 years
3 years
2 years
3 years

MarriageLetter from John Talbot 8.11.00
Publication: John Talbot responded to a letter John Lovelock put in the Wallingford Herald. John provided a Family Tree but no other information.

John Lovelock, malster and Mary Whitwick, spinster, Crowmarsh Gifford. By licence. 15.11.1779. St Leonards. Wit: Thomas Thorn, Barnard North, clerk

Note: Letter from John Talbot 8.11.00, John Lovelock, malster and Mary Whitwick, spinster, Crowmarsh Gifford. By licence. 15.11.1779. Wallingford, St Leonards. Wit: Thomas Thorn, Barnard North, clerk.
MarriageOxfordshire FHS Marriage Index

Wallingford, St Leonard Marriages 1779 Nov 15 John Lovelock and Mary Whitwick from Crowmarsh


The transcription on the Findmypast website is attributed to the Berkshire FHS and reads: John Lovelock Maltster of this parish and Mary Whitwick Spinster of Crowmarsh Gyfford, Oxon on 18 Nov 1779 at St Leonard, Wallingford by Licence. Both made their marks and the witnesses were Thomas Thorn and Barnard North. The officiating minister was John Scoolt, Rector.

OccupationUniversal British Directory 1790-98
Citation details: Wallingford

Lovelock, John, Victualler (Mermaid)


MI reads: "In memory of John Lovelock who died 5 August 1817 aged 77 years also his Wife Mary who died June 6th 1804 aged 50".

BurialLetter from John Talbot 8.11.00
Publication: John Talbot responded to a letter John Lovelock put in the Wallingford Herald. John provided a Family Tree but no other information.

Also Wallingford MIs, Oxon FHS. Plot M34. In memory of John Lovelock who died Aug 5th 1817 aged 77 Yrs Also Mary his Wife died June 6th 1804 Aged 50 Yrs. Wallingford PR: 1817 Aug 18 LOVELOCK John 77 yrs Fish St of this parish

SourceWallingford St Mary PR

Wallingford St Mary Le More Burials [Modern Transcript] 1817 Aug 18 LOVELOCK John 77 yrs Fish St of this parish


Letter from John Talbot 8.11.00, John Lovelock, malster and Mary Whitwick, spinster, Crowmarsh Gifford. By licence. 15.11.1779. Wallingford, St Leonards. Wit: Thomas Thorn, Barnard North, clerk.

Shared note

The Universal British Directory 1790-98 lists John Lovelock as a Victualler at the Mermaid Inn ( in the Market Place ).

It is therefore likely that all of John's children grew up in the Mermaid. They were all baptised in St Mary-le -More Church across the road.

Historic Wallingford published in 1996 states " The Old Post Office was built in 1936 on the site of the Mermaid Inn. In 1850 Landlord Lovelock also ran a butcher's shop on the same premises ".

Will of John Lovelock, the Elder, made on 24 Feb 1816 and proved 13 March 1818 states that John Lovelock, the Elder, was of Wallingford, Berkshire and a Malster. He bequeathed his freehold cottage with garden and 'appurtenances' in the parish of St Leonard, Wallingford, presently in the occupation of Benjamin Readings to his daughter Hannah Readings, widow, and his other freehold cottage with garden and 'appurtenances' also situated in St Leonard, Wallingford and presently in the occupation of his son in law James Dearlove, to his daughter Elizabeth Dearlove, the wife of James Dearlove. To his son James he bequeathed a legacy of fifty pounds. To his other children John, William, Thomas, Mary, Stephen and Job he left eighty pounds apiece. His sons John and James were appointed executors. Witnessed by John A Hedges, Attorney, Wallingford, I V Banner, his clerk and John Abery.

The Wallingford Historical and Archaeological Society Index of Wallingford Residents 1500s-1850 (Email to John Lovelock from David Pedgley dated Feb 2007)

The TWHAS Inhabitants Index contains references to John Lovelock: 1775 - sworn a victual taster and leather sealer for the Corporation. 1779 - starts paying church rates in both St Leonard's and St Mary's parishes; the former only until 1781, the latter until 1780 at least (unfortunately, many later rates books are missing). 1781 - Grand Jury member (also 1783 and 1784). 1782 - sworn an ale taster for the Corporation. 1784 - already licensee of the Mermaid (owned by St Mary's parish), but this is the first year of the Alehouse Licences Register. Not known when he first took the Mermaid. Held until 1811, when William Lovelock took over - until 1845, followed by George and Hannah Lovelock.

1806 - gets drawback of duty on malt damaged by sinking of barge (and again in 1811).

There are also references to his sons John (who took the Kings Arms in 1806), William (who took the Mermaid in 1811), Thomas (a baker), Stephen (a labourer) and Job (a maltster).

Sources to above as follows, all in the Berkshire Record Office: 1775 - W/Ac1/1/3, f. 28r ['The Ledger Book' 1766-1835 - Corporation minutes] 1779 - D/XP137/1 for St Leonard [Vestry Book 1672-1830]; D/P138/5/11/1 for St Mary [Overseers' Rates 1774-1780] 1781 - W/JQr 33/2 [Quarter Sessions rolls 1773-1787]; also 41/2 for 1783, and 45/2 for 1784] 1782 - W/Ac1/1/3, f. 52v 1784 - W/JQ1 [Alehouse Licensees Register 1784-1871] 1806 - W/QSO9 26 Apr 1806 [Berks Quarter Sessions Order Books] £34 13s 4d duty repaid on 240 but malt damaged by sinking of barge on way to London 8 March 1806 1811 - W/QSO9 23 Apr 1811 £20 3s on 93 but malt lost and £55 13s 9d on 399 but damaged in similar way near Teddington 12 Mar 1811.

There are no references to Lovelock in the names index before 1775.

People of Wallingford Volume 1 includes an early reference to John Lovelock as a licensee: Licences Victuallers 1785 Berkshire Record Office Ref: W/JQL Special Sessions held at the Lamb Inn 20th October 1784 lycensed to sell ale etc Licencee John Lovelock Surety £10 ( a lot of money in 1784! ) Unfortunately the early Licensing records do not show the Inn Signs but it may be assumed that John Lovelock was at the Mermaid.

UK, Poll Books and Electoral Registers, 1538-1893 [Ancestry] [Freeholders Names] John Lovelock [Place of Abode] Wallingford [Where Situate] Wallingford 12 [Freehold] messuage [Occupier] Benjamin Readings