Wallingford Berks Line

Charlotte HouseAge: 53 years18401893

Charlotte House
Given names
Birth about 1840
MarriageUnknown View this family

_HTITL: Husband
_WTITL: Wife
Marriage statusFrederick LovelockView this family

Birth of a daughter
Ann House
about 1852 (Age 12 years)
Birth of a daughter
Sarah House
about 1856 (Age 16 years)
Birth of a son
Charles House
about 1857 (Age 17 years)
Birth of a son
James House
about 1859 (Age 19 years)
Birth of a son
George House
between January 1865 and March 1865 (Age 25 years)

Name: George House Registration Year: 1865 Registration Quarter: Jan-Feb-Mar Registration district: Wallingford Inferred County: Berkshire Volume: 2c Page: 338

Birth of a daughter
Mary Ann Lovelock
May 15, 1874 (Age 34 years)
Christening of a daughterMary Ann Lovelock
August 11, 1875 (Age 35 years)

Nuneaton Warwickshire Baptism 1875 Aug 11 [born 15 May 1874] Mary Ann [of] Frederick & Charlotte Lovelock, Nuneaton, Labourer

Census 1881 (Age 41 years)

Note: 20 Court Abbey St, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England
MarriageFrederick LovelockView this family
July 16, 1882 (Age 42 years)

Upper Holloway, St Paul Marriage 1882 Jul 16 Frederick Lovelock, 39, Labourer of 60 Grove Rd and Charlotte House, 43, of 60 Grove Rd, fathers John Lovelock, Labourer (deceased), and Charles House, Labourer, witnesses Henry George and Prudence Price.

Shared note: 1881 Census
Marriage of a childGeorge HouseAnn LovelockView this family
between April 1885 and June 1885 (Age 45 years)

Nuneaton RD, ref 6d 544

Shared note: 1891 census
Census 1891 (Age 51 years)

Note: 3 George & Dragon Yd, Chilvers Coton, Warwickshire, England
Death of a husbandFrederick Lovelock
between April 1892 and June 1892 (Age 52 years)

Nuneaton RD, ref 6d 293 (age 44)

Death between October 1893 and December 1893 (Age 53 years)

Nuneaton RD, ref 6d 334 (age 53)

Family with parents - View this family
Family with Unknown - View this family
5 years
2 years
3 years
6 years
George House
Birth: between January 1865 and March 1865The Union Workhouse, Wallingford, Berkshire, England
Death: between April 1933 and June 1933Registration District, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England
Family with Frederick Lovelock - View this family
Frederick Lovelock
Birth: between October 1845 and December 1845Registration District, Wallingford, Berkshire, England
Death: between April 1892 and June 1892Registration District, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England
Marriage: July 16, 1882St Paul, Upper Holloway, London, England
-8 years

Birth1891 England Census
MarriageParish Register

Upper Holloway, St Paul Marriage 1882 Jul 16 Frederick Lovelock, 39, Labourer of 60 Grove Rd and Charlotte House, 43, of 60 Grove Rd, fathers John Lovelock, Labourer (deceased), and Charles House, Labourer, witnesses Henry George and Prudence Price.

DeathEngland and Wales - Civil Registration Index

Nuneaton RD, ref 6d 334 (age 53)


Date of birth based on age 53 at death.

Place of birth based on 1891 Census.


20 Court Abbey St, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England RG11 3061 F63 P18

Fredrick Lovelock;Head;40;Brickyard Labourer;Nuneaton, Warwick Charlotte Lovelock;Wife;42;;Watford, Herts George Lovelock; Son;16;Stone Pit Labourer;Oxfordshire


1881 Census Nuneaton, Warwickshire 20 Court Abbey St Fredrick Lovelock, Head, 40, Brickyard Labourer, born Nuneaton Warwick Charlotte Lovelock, Wife, 42, born Watford Herts George Lovelock, Son, 16, Stone Pit Labourer, born Oxfordshire

Note age of Frederick and place of birth of both Frederick and Charlotte are very different in two census. Their son George was born long before they were married.

1891 Census Warwickshire, England 3 George & Dragon Yd, Chilvers Coton Frederick Lovelock, Head, 46, Brick Yard Labourer, born Wallingford Berks Charlotte Lovelock, Wife, 51, born Cromarsh(sic) Oxon


3 George & Dragon Yd, Chilvers Coton, Warwickshire, England RG12 2444 F61 P2

Frederick Lovelock;Head;46;Brick Yard Labourer;Wallingford, Berks Charlotte Lovelock;Wife;51;;Cromarsh (sic), Oxon

Shared note

1861 census Crowmarsh Gifford Oxfordshire Crowmarsh Gifford Street Charles House, Head, 49, Widower, 49, Ag Laborer, born Crowmarsh Gifford Oxon Charlotte House, Dau, 21, unm, born Crowmarsh Gifford Oxon Ann House, Dau, 9, born Crowmarsh Gifford Oxon Sarah House, Dau, 5, born Crowmarsh Gifford Oxon Charles House, Son, 4, born Crowmarsh Gifford Oxon James House, Son, 1, born Crowmarsh Gifford Oxon

1871 census Wallingford, Berkshire Wallingford Union Workhouse Charlotte House, 31, unm, Pauper, born Crowmarsh Oxfordshire James House, 12, Son, Pauper, born The Union W Wallingford, Berkshire George House, 7, Son, Pauper, born The Union W Wallingford, Berkshire «i»[James and George are bracketed as the sons of Charlotte]«/i»