Wallingford Berks Line

Ernest Noel LovelockAge: 67 years19241992

Ernest Noel Lovelock
Given names
Ernest Noel
Birth August 13, 1924

Name: Elizabeth E Lovelock Mother's Maiden Surname: Poultney Date of Registration: Jan-Feb-Mar 1922 Registration district: Nuneaton Inferred County: Warwickshire Volume Number: 6d Page Number: 1183

Shared note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Birth of a brotherLeslie Lovelock
between April 1927 and June 1927 (Age 2 years)

Name: Leslie Lovelock Mother's Maiden Surname: Poultney Date of Registration: Apr-May-Jun 1927 Registration district: Nuneaton Inferred County: Warwickshire Volume Number: 6d Page Number: 1071

Death of a fatherErnest Lovelock
June 1974 (Age 49 years)

Name: Ernest Lovelock Birth Date: 9 May 1881 Date of Registration: Jun 1974 Age at Death: 93 Registration district: North Warwickshire Inferred County: Warwickshire Volume: 31 Page: 0034

Death of a motherRose Evelyn Poultney
between April 1977 and June 1977 (Age 52 years)

Nuneaton RD, ref 31 0111

Death May 1992 (Age 67 years)

Nuneaton and Bedworth RD, ref 31 95

Family with parents - View this family
Rose Evelyn Poultney
Birth: October 1, 1889Registration District, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England
Death: between April 1977 and June 1977Registration District, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England
Marriage: between April 1919 and June 1919Registration District, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England
1 year
elder sister
Rose Annie Lovelock
Birth: between January 1920 and March 1920Registration District, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England
2 years
elder sister
Elizabeth Emma Lovelock
Birth: between January 1922 and March 1922Registration District, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England
3 years
Ernest Noel Lovelock
Birth: August 13, 1924Registration District, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England
Death: May 1992Registration District, Nuneaton and Bedworth, Warwickshire, England
3 years
younger brother
Leslie Lovelock
Birth: between April 1927 and June 1927Registration District, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England
Death: February 28, 2020Old Arley, Warwickshire, England

BirthEngland and Wales - Civil Registration Index

Name: Elizabeth E Lovelock Mother's Maiden Surname: Poultney Date of Registration: Jan-Feb-Mar 1922 Registration district: Nuneaton Inferred County: Warwickshire Volume Number: 6d Page Number: 1183

DeathEngland and Wales - Civil Registration Index

Nuneaton and Bedworth RD, ref 31 95


Date of birth included in death registration entry.