Alice Lovelock EDWARDSAge: 2 years1845–1848
- Name
- Alice Lovelock EDWARDS
- Given names
- Alice Lovelock
- Surname
Birth | between July 1845 and September 1845 26 23 Text: St Luke RD, ref 2 303 |
Birth of a brother | Alfred James EDWARDS between January 1847 and March 1847 (Age 18 months) Text: St Luke RD, ref 2 327 |
Death | between April 1848 and June 1848 (Age 2 years) Text: St Luke RD, ref 2 226 (age 3) |
Family with parents |
father |
Benjamin EDWARDS Birth: about 1819 — St Giles, Middlesex, England Death: |
mother |
Ann LOVELOCK Birth: December 8, 1821 30 23 Death: between January 1855 and March 1855 |
Marriage: between April 1844 and June 1844 — St Bride, Fleet Street, London, England |
18 months herself |
Alice Lovelock EDWARDS Birth: between July 1845 and September 1845 26 23 Death: between April 1848 and June 1848 |
21 months younger brother |
Alfred James EDWARDS Birth: between January 1847 and March 1847 28 25 — St Lukes, Middlesex, England Death: between January 1924 and March 1924 |
2 years younger sister |
Alice Lovelock EDWARDS Birth: between October 1848 and December 1848 29 26 Death: between July 1918 and September 1918 |
2 years younger brother |
Benjamin EDWARDS Birth: between October 1850 and December 1850 31 28 Death: between October 1850 and December 1850 |
15 months younger sister |
Ann Elizabeth EDWARDS Birth: between October 1851 and December 1851 32 29 — Shoreditch, Middlesex, England Death: |
Birth | GRO Online Indices of Births and Deaths Text: St Luke RD, ref 2 303 |
Death | GRO Online Indices of Births and Deaths Text: St Luke RD, ref 2 226 (age 3) |