Alexander Joseph WILLAge: 60 years1875–1935
- Name
- Alexander Joseph WILL
- Given names
- Alexander Joseph
- Surname
Source: Graham Lovelock (NZ)
Publication: Email correspondence
Citation details: Message to Graham Lovelock June 2008
Quality of data: primary evidence
Birth | 1875 |
Marriage | Mary (May) Elizabeth LOVELOCK — View this family April 29, 1904 (Age 29 years) Source: Graham Lovelock (NZ) Publication: Email correspondence Citation details: Message to Graham Lovelock June 2008 Quality of data: primary evidence Note: e-Mail from Maria Lovelock 15 April 2004 gives the date of marriage as 29 Jun 1904, in Taonui Wesleyan, New Zealand.
Death | 1935 (Age 60 years) |
Death | yes |
Family with Mary (May) Elizabeth LOVELOCK |
himself |
Alexander Joseph WILL Birth: 1875 Death: |
wife |
Mary (May) Elizabeth LOVELOCK Birth: September 2, 1879 32 29 — Palmerston North, New Zealand Death: July 29, 1979 |
Marriage: April 29, 1904 — |
Birth | Sandra Hayes' on-line family tree at |
Marriage | Graham Lovelock (NZ) Publication: Email correspondence Citation details: Message to Graham Lovelock June 2008 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Name | Graham Lovelock (NZ) Publication: Email correspondence Citation details: Message to Graham Lovelock June 2008 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death | Sandra Hayes' on-line family tree at |
Marriage | e-Mail from Maria Lovelock 15 April 2004 gives the date of marriage as 29 Jun 1904, in Taonui Wesleyan, New Zealand. |