Catherine LOVELOCKAge: 9 months1845–1846
- Name
- Catherine LOVELOCK
- Given names
- Catherine
- Surname
Birth | April 1845 44 37 Source: Froyle Parish Registers Citation details: Age at burial 10 months. Quality of data: primary evidence Source: GRO Index of Births Citation details: Alton RD, ref 7 12 (in Bet Apr and Jun quarter) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Christening | May 11, 1845 (Age 40 days) Source: Froyle Parish Registers |
Death of a paternal grandfather | James LOVELOCK between January 1846 and February 1846 (on the date of death) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Text: Alton RD, ref 7 10 |
Burial of a paternal grandfather | James LOVELOCK February 24, 1846 (Age 10 months) Source: Froyle Parish Registers Text: Age 71 |
Death | between January 1846 and March 1846 (Age 9 months) Source: GRO Index of Deaths Citation details: Alton RD, ref 7 10 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Burial | February 19, 1846 (Age 10 months) Source: Froyle Parish Registers |
Family with parents |
father |
James LOVELOCK Birth: between 1801 and 1802 24 30 — Long Sutton, Hampshire, England Death: between April 1869 and June 1869 — Alton RD, Alton, Hampshire, England |
mother |
Harriet ENGLEFIELD Birth: between 1808 and 1809 Death: between October 1848 and December 1848 — Alton RD, Alton, Hampshire, England |
Marriage: July 21, 1834 — Froyle, Hampshire, England |
-19 months elder brother |
William Engilefield LOVELOCK Birth: between 1831 and 1832 30 23 — Froyle, Hampshire, England Death: before 1881 |
4 years elder sister |
Anne LOVELOCK Birth: about 1834 33 26 — Froyle, Hampshire, England Death: between October 1910 and December 1910 — Alton RD, Alton, Hampshire, England |
3 years elder brother |
John LOVELOCK Birth: between 1835 and 1836 34 27 Death: October 1838 — Alton RD, Alton, Hampshire, England |
3 years elder sister |
Mary LOVELOCK Birth: July 1837 36 29 Death: between April 1839 and June 1839 — Alton RD, Alton, Hampshire, England |
18 months elder brother |
Charles LOVELOCK Birth: between October 1838 and December 1838 37 30 — Froyle, Hampshire, England Death: between July 1854 and September 1854 — Alton RD, Alton, Hampshire, England |
20 months elder sister |
Harriet LOVELOCK Birth: between April 1840 and May 1840 39 32 — Froyle, Hampshire, England Death: between January 1929 and March 1929 — Kingsclere RD, Kingsclere, Hampshire, England |
15 months elder brother |
James LOVELOCK Birth: between April 1841 and June 1841 40 33 — Froyle, Hampshire, England Death: between April 1854 and June 1854 — Alton RD, Alton, Hampshire, England |
17 months elder brother |
Thomas LOVELOCK Birth: August 1842 41 34 — Froyle, Hampshire, England Death: between July 1842 and September 1842 — Alton RD, Alton, Hampshire, England |
17 months elder brother |
Daniel LOVELOCK Birth: between October 1843 and December 1843 42 35 — Froyle, Hampshire, England Death: between January 1893 and March 1893 — Lambeth RD, Lambeth, Surrey, England |
19 months herself |
Catherine LOVELOCK Birth: April 1845 44 37 Death: between January 1846 and March 1846 — Alton RD, Alton, Hampshire, England |
14 months younger brother |
George LOVELOCK Birth: May 1846 45 38 Death: between July 1846 and September 1846 — Alton RD, Alton, Hampshire, England |
13 months younger sister |
Charlotte LOVELOCK Birth: May 1847 46 39 Death: Alton RD, Alton, Hampshire, England |
Birth | Froyle Parish Registers Citation details: Age at burial 10 months. Quality of data: primary evidence |
Birth | GRO Index of Births Citation details: Alton RD, ref 7 12 (in Bet Apr and Jun quarter) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Christening | Froyle Parish Registers |
Death | GRO Index of Deaths Citation details: Alton RD, ref 7 10 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Burial | Froyle Parish Registers |