Violet Mary ParisAge: 91 years1903–1995
- Name
- Violet Mary Paris
- Given names
- Violet Mary
- Surname
- Paris
Birth | March 10, 1903 Text: Birth date from GRO Death Index. Shared note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Birth of a son #1 | Alexander John Lovelock August 12, 1923 (Age 20 years) Text: Reading RD, ref 2c 662 Shared note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Birth of a son #2 | Cyril Patrick Palmeter Lovelock between October 1929 and December 1929 (Age 26 years) Text: Henley RD, ref 3a 1519 |
Marriage of a child | Cyril Patrick Palmeter Lovelock — Elizabeth Veronica Lewis — View this family between January 1954 and March 1954 (Age 50 years) _HTITL: Husband _WTITL: Wife Text: Name: Cyril P P Lovelock Registration Date: Jan-Feb-Mar 1954 Registration district:«tab»Kington Inferred County: Herefordshire Spouse: Elizabeth V Lewis Volume Number: 9a Page Number: 91 |
Death | March 3, 1995 (Age 91 years) Text: Name: Violet Mary Lovelock Birth Date: 10 Mar 1903 Date of Registration: Mar 1995 Age at Death: 92 Registration district: Liskeard Inferred County: Cornwall Register Number: 21B District and Subdistrict: 3631 Entry Number: 81 Source: MI |
Burial | Source: MI |
Family with Jack Ernest Woodland Lovelock |
husband |
Jack Ernest Woodland Lovelock Birth: April 19, 1903 — Reading, Berkshire, England Death: May 8, 1996 — Registration District, Liskeard, Cornwall, England |
herself |
Violet Mary Paris Birth: March 10, 1903 Death: March 3, 1995 — Registration District, Liskeard, Cornwall, England |
son |
Alexander John Lovelock Birth: August 12, 1923 — Registration District, Reading, Berkshire, England Death: May 28, 2002 — Registration District, Norwich, Norfolk, England |
6 years son |
Cyril Patrick Palmeter Lovelock Birth: between October 1929 and December 1929 — Registration District, Henley, Oxfordshire, England Death: December 2, 2017 |
daughter |
Private |
daughter |
Private |
son |
Private |
Birth | England and Wales - Civil Registration Index Text: Birth date from GRO Death Index. |
Death | England and Wales - Civil Registration Index Text: Name: Violet Mary Lovelock Birth Date: 10 Mar 1903 Date of Registration: Mar 1995 Age at Death: 92 Registration district: Liskeard Inferred County: Cornwall Register Number: 21B District and Subdistrict: 3631 Entry Number: 81 |
Death | MI |
Burial | MI |
Birth | Date of birth included in death registration entry. |