Wallingford Berks Line

Annie McMillanAge: 77 years18791957

Annie McMillan
Given names
Birth December 3, 1879

New Forest, Hampshire Newhouse Farm, Beaulieu RD/SD 96-1, Sch 4 Name Gender Date of Birth Marital Condition Occupation John B Boyd M 11 Jan 69 M Retired Farmer Jeanie C Boyd F 11 Aug 82 M Unpaid Domestic Duties Norman J Boyd M 29 Apr 08 S Farmer James C Boyd M 24 Mar 10 S Cowman and Genl Farm Wk (sic) Ronald Boyd M 5 Dec 21 S Apprentice C Engineer Annie Lovelock F 3 Dec 79 W   Unpaid Domestic Duties Alice McMillan F 6 Dec 77 S Companion

MarriageFrederick LovelockView this family
October 12, 1907 (Age 27 years)

Name: Fred Lovelock Registration Year: 1907 Registration Quarter: Oct-Nov-Dec Registration district: Lambeth Inferred County: London Volume: 1d Page: 578 Records on Page: Fred Lovelock Annie McMillan


St Saviours Church, Lambeth 1907 Oct 12 Fred Lovelock, 33, Bachelor, Commercial Traveller [Residence] 68 Thurlow Hill West Dulwich [Father] George William Lovelock, Salesman and Annie McMillan, 28, Spinster, 3 Harbour Rd [Father] Henry McMillan (deceased), Salesman. Both signed. Wit: Alfred A McMillan, Ada McMillan

Shared note: 1911 Census
Birth of a son
Frederick Henry Lovelock
August 26, 1908 (Age 28 years)

Name: Frederick Henry Lovelock Registration Year: 1908 Registration Quarter: Oct-Nov-Dec Registration district: Lambeth Inferred County: London Volume: 1d Page: 438


Age of birth as stated in GRO Death Index.

Shared note: Date of birth included in death registration entry.
Census 1911 (Age 31 years)

Note: 12 Dalkeith Rd, Dulwich, Kent, England
Birth of a daughter
Hilda Lovelock
September 30, 1912 (Age 32 years)

Births Oct-Dec 1912 Lovelock Hilda [Mother] McMillan, Lambeth, 1d, 853

Death in GRO provides DOB.

Death of a husbandFrederick Lovelock
January 23, 1935 (Age 55 years)

Name: Frederick Lovelock Birth Date: abt 1875 Date of Registration: Jan-Mar 1935 Age at Death: 60 Registration district: Camberwell Inferred County: London Volume: 1d Page: 716


LOVELOCK Fred otherwise Frederick of 186 Turrey-road Dulwich Surrey died 23 Jan 1935 Probate London 1 April to Annie Lovelock widow. Effects 6308 pounds 9s 9d

Marriage of a childDudley Raymond CheethamHilda LovelockView this family
between January 1953 and March 1953 (Age 73 years)
_HTITL: Husband
_WTITL: Wife

Jan-Mar 1953, Surrey Mid-Eastern RD, 5g, 532

Death between July 1957 and September 1957 (Age 77 years)

Deaths Sep 1957 LOVELOCK Annie, 78, Wandsworth, 5d, 594«tab»

Family with parents - View this family
Annie McMillan
Birth: December 3, 1879Camberwell, London, England
Death: between July 1957 and September 1957Registration District, Wandsworth, London, England
Family with Frederick Lovelock - View this family
Annie McMillan
Birth: December 3, 1879Camberwell, London, England
Death: between July 1957 and September 1957Registration District, Wandsworth, London, England
Marriage: October 12, 1907St Saviour, Ruskin Park, Lambeth, Surrey, England
10 months
Frederick Henry Lovelock
Birth: August 26, 1908Dulwich, London, England
Death: between January 1989 and March 1989Registration District, Croydon, Surrey, England
4 years
Hilda Lovelock
Birth: September 30, 1912Registration District, Lambeth, Surrey, England
Death: between July 1972 and September 1972Registration District, Stratford on Avon, Warwickshire, England

Birth1911 England Census
Birth1939 UK Register

New Forest, Hampshire Newhouse Farm, Beaulieu RD/SD 96-1, Sch 4 Name Gender Date of Birth Marital Condition Occupation John B Boyd M 11 Jan 69 M Retired Farmer Jeanie C Boyd F 11 Aug 82 M Unpaid Domestic Duties Norman J Boyd M 29 Apr 08 S Farmer James C Boyd M 24 Mar 10 S Cowman and Genl Farm Wk (sic) Ronald Boyd M 5 Dec 21 S Apprentice C Engineer Annie Lovelock F 3 Dec 79 W   Unpaid Domestic Duties Alice McMillan F 6 Dec 77 S Companion

MarriageEngland and Wales - Civil Registration Index

Name: Fred Lovelock Registration Year: 1907 Registration Quarter: Oct-Nov-Dec Registration district: Lambeth Inferred County: London Volume: 1d Page: 578 Records on Page: Fred Lovelock Annie McMillan

MarriageParish Register

St Saviours Church, Lambeth 1907 Oct 12 Fred Lovelock, 33, Bachelor, Commercial Traveller [Residence] 68 Thurlow Hill West Dulwich [Father] George William Lovelock, Salesman and Annie McMillan, 28, Spinster, 3 Harbour Rd [Father] Henry McMillan (deceased), Salesman. Both signed. Wit: Alfred A McMillan, Ada McMillan

DeathEngland and Wales - Civil Registration Index

Deaths Sep 1957 LOVELOCK Annie, 78, Wandsworth, 5d, 594«tab»


1911 Census 12 Dalkeith Road, West Dulwich SE London Fred Lovelock, Head, 36, Traveller in Flour, born Wallingford, married 3 years, 1 child living Annie Lovelock, Wife, 32, born Camberwell Frederick Lovelock, Son, 2, born Dulwich


12 Dalkeith Rd, Dulwich, Kent, England RG14 PN2116 RG78 PN73 RD25 SD5 ED17 SN299

Fred Lovelock;Head;36;Traveller;Wallingford Annie Lovelock;Wife, married 3 years;32;;Camberwell Frederick Lovelock;Son;2;;Dulwich

Shared note

Possible death in GRO: Name: Annie Lovelock Birth Date: abt 1879 Date of Registration: Jul-Sep 1957 Age at Death: 78 Registration district: Wandsworth Inferred County: Greater London Volume: 5d Page: 594