Wallingford Berks Line

George Lovelock + Ann Squires Gordge

5 children
Frederick Charles Lovelock
Birth: between October 1861 and December 1861Watlington, Oxfordshire, England
Death: between October 1886 and December 1886Registration District, Reading, Berkshire, England

Parents Grandparents

Family group information
Marriage May 1, 1844

County of Oxfordshire Registration District Bullingdon Parish of Watlington 1844 May 1 George Lovelock, full age, bachelor, Butcher, Watlington, Father: James Lovelock, Inn Keeper & Ann Squires Gordge, full age, spinster, Watlington, Father: Digory Gordge, Clerk. Wit: James Elliott and Ann Denning. By Licence.

Shared note: 1851 census
Last change November 12, 202014:49